Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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10 Timeless Axioms of Emotionally Healthy Leadership (Pt. 2)

Posted on August 22nd, 2023

Language builds culture.

Recently on the podcast, I shared 5 timeless leadership axioms – portable and powerful phrases that have become adopted by emotionally healthy leaders all around the world.

For example…”Jesus may be in your heart, but grandpa is in your bones”.

It’s an easier (and more playful) way of getting at the truth that everyone is deeply affected by their family of origin, going back hundreds of years.

Today on the podcast, I continue this series by sharing 5 new axioms that I believe you will find helpful. These leadership sayings are extremely useful to adopt as you build a healthy team and church culture.

I pray you will memorize them, ponder them, and make space to allow the biblical truth to penetrate you.

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