How to Succeed with Sabbath: Practical Steps for Busy Leaders

A Free Webinar April 10th at 2pm ET

April Webinar

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Personal Assessment

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Your Purchase Funds Ministry Around the World

Thank you for purchasing directly from the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship website! Proceeds from the sale of products are invested directly into our ministry to make deeply changed disciples.

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course Leader’s Pack

The Course Leader’s Pack provides you with all of the materials and videos you need to successfully run the Course including: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Pt. 1) and Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Pt. 2).

The Course Leader's Pack contains all the materials you need:
  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Book
  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day Book
  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Workbook + Streaming Videos
  • Emotionally Healthy Relationships Workbook + Streaming Videos
  • Emotionally Healthy Relationships Day by Day Book
  • Access to Leader’s Training Vault for Course Training

Buy Participant Packs

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Pt. 1) Participant’s Pack Image
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Pt. 1) Participant’s Pack

Includes all of the books and streaming videos participants need to slow down their lives to cultivate depth in their relationship with Jesus.

Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Pt. 2) Participant's Pack Image
Emotionally Healthy Relationships (Pt. 2) Participant's Pack

Includes all of the books and streaming videos participants need to learn the powerful skills necessary to develop mature, loving relationships.

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