Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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10 Ways to Know it is Time to Quit

Posted on October 23rd, 2010

Geri and I were asked a couple of months ago how do you know if it is time to quit and get serious about this journey we call emotionally healthy spirituality. This was recently published in Knowing When to Say “I Quit” – 10 Ways to Know It is Time to Quit- Take a few minutes to see how many of the following ten statements apply to you.  It may be time for you to quit. 1. You need the approval of others to feel good about yourself. 2. You are angry, sad, or disappointed and feel guilty about it. 3. You believe you don’t have choices. 4. You do for others what they can and should do for themselves. 5. Your rarely consider your own hopes and dreams because of your focus on others. 6. You say “yes’ when you would rather say “no”. 7. You have difficulty speaking up when you disagree or prefer something different. 8. You’re becoming a less instead of a more loving person. 9. You are resentful and tired because you regularly “try to do it all.” 10. You are afraid to admit your weaknesses and flaws. If two or three apply to you, you may need to start quitting. If four to six apply, you have a lot to quit; if you scored seven or above, your true self in Christ may be “buried alive.” Geri says it well: Quitting goes hand in hand with choosing. When we quit those things that are damaging to our souls, we are freed up to choose ways of being that are rooted in love and lead to life – both for us and others. I am amazed at how easy it is to be “buried alive” as a leader amidst the rubble of demands and expectations. What might you add to that list above?

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