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2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit

Posted on October 17th, 2017

Be inspired. Be equipped. Be networked.

April 25-26, 2018

Geri and I, along with the EHS Team are excited to invite you to our 2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit!

The Emotionally Healthy Courses continue to spread rapidly as a movement, reaching into more than 30 countries and now being taught in almost 300 churches in North America. And this is before the courses are released as The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Courses Leader’s Kit on Oct 28th!

Our vision is to carefully invest in the quality of the EH Discipleship Courses being done in churches around the world.  So, if you are doing the EH Discipleship Courses, or are seriously considering doing them, join us!

The Summit’s Purpose:

  • Be inspired by what God is doing
  • Be equipped with the best learnings and practices to lead a high-quality course
  • Be networked with like-minded leaders and churches from around the world

The Summit’s Delegates:

  • Pastors, Discipleship/Spiritual Formation Leaders, and Team Members providing leadership for the Courses in your Church

The Summit’s Pre-requisites:

  • Your church/ministry has done the Courses or are planning to do them
  • You have attended a Live Training Event

So I invite you to plan and be part of this vibrant gathering of church leaders committed to deep discipleship change in their churches and deeply changing people’s lives for world impact.

Register early as space is limited to 350 people.


Note: We will gather with all our international guest and partners on April 24th.

If you have yet to attend a Live Stream Training event, join me this coming Oct 31.

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