Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Posted on December 26th, 2023

As we approach 2024, there couldn’t be a better time to revisit your discipleship strategy. Here’s why…

In North America, we are ramping up towards another election year. For most Americans, this has become a time of increased anxiety, stress, and relational volatility. As a culture, we lack the tools to have difficult conversations (especially political ones) without resorting to blaming, name-calling, avoiding, and “dirty fighting.”

Sadly, we do this in the church as well.

For the first 17 years of my Christian walk, this was all I ever knew. I simply mirrored what I learned from my family of origin. My mother yelled and screamed. My father was an appeaser who later exploded in anger. I learned to become an appeaser, which cost me dearly in my marriage, leadership, and church.

For both Geri and I, we had to completely re-learn what it looks like to fight (and negotiate differences) in the new family of Jesus. We now call this skill “Clean Fighting Vs. Dirty Fighting”.

I’m convinced every pastor, leader, and church needs this one skill to flourish in 2024.  

In today’s podcast episode, my wife Geri and I share more about the ins and outs of “Clean Fighting”, the final and most important skill of Emotionally Healthy Relationships.
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