Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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3 Counterfeits of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Posted on March 21st, 2023

Recently we crossed an unbelievable threshold with the Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast with over 10 million lifetime podcast downloads. I couldn’t be more surprised, humbled, and thankful for this milestone moment.

I say “surprised” because back in 1996, when we first started, the term “emotional health” was considered heretical in much of the church!

Now 25 years later, we can see that the cultural landscape has changed dramatically. Not only is emotional health received, but in many ways, it is now considered a promotional buzzword.

This is both a step forward AND presents a new challenge…

While many leaders are doing the hard work of living and leading from true emotional and spiritual health, there are also many who use the right language but have settled for a surface-level version of the real thing.

In today’s podcast, I share my observations of what I consider 3 counterfeit versions of emotional health that we settle for, but then cast a vision for an authentic life with God.

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