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5 Marks of a Godly, Highly-Differentiated Leader Pt. 1

Posted on November 29th, 2022

Everything rises and falls on the character and inner life of the leader.

The apostle Paul seemed to believe so as well. He writes to his spiritual son Timothy that whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.” (1 Tim. 3:1)

I believe the great need of our day is for us to become godly, highly-differentiated leaders while developing other leaders in the same way.

In today’s episode, I share five marks of a highly-differentiated leader and how to start becoming one today. Truth be told – it’s hard work. But MUCH harder should you avoid the work.

Highly-differentiated leadership is the pathway to freedom, a lighter yoke, less worry, better relationships, clearer goals, and more joy!

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