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6 Radical Invitations from God for our Polarized, Politicized World: Part 3

Posted on October 20th, 2020

In today’s podcast, I conclude a three-part series on how Scripture invites us to live and lead in such deeply polarizing times. Throughout this series, we are exploring a total of six radical invitations.

In part one, I explored the first two of these invitations, 1) surrendering everything & 2) embracing our limits.

In part two, we continued by looking closely at 3) mastering the way of contentment & 4) remaining faithful regardless of outcomes.

In today’s episode, we will examine our final two invitations, 5) choosing to love our enemies & 6) refusing to belittle other’s perspectives

If you need anchor points to weather this political storm, then listen to today’s podcast.

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Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision That Deeply Changes Lives