Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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8 Practices of Emotionally Healthy Preaching and Teaching

Posted on May 16th, 2023

Eight years after planting New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, I was exhausted.

The pressure of preaching and teaching weekly messages, along with the rest of my leadership responsibilities, left me depleted. Although our ministry was growing, I often felt like I was gaining the world but losing my own soul.

This crisis launched me on a profound inward journey that ultimately led to a whole new way of doing both discipleship and leadership – including the fundamentals of preaching and teaching.

What I lacked, and what so many of us still lack today, is a way to teach and preach for Jesus that properly flows out of a deep inner life with him.

What I discovered is that there is a way to engage in this weighty work of speaking for Jesus that is light and easy rather than heavy and hard, that strengthens rather than diminishes our relationship with him, and that is marked by joy and spaciousness rather than anxiety and pressure.

On today’s podcast, I cover what I consider the 8 Practices of Emotionally Healthy Preaching and Teaching.

In conjunction with today’s podcast, I have released a FREE e-book of the same title that you can download here.

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