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A New Leadership Scorecard for Success

Posted on July 13th, 2021

As a leader, you want a surefire way to know if you are making a difference.

But this last year, all normal measurements went out the window. It has been nearly impossible to measure the true impact of our ministries. While counting attendance, online views, and dollars is important, these metrics don’t always tell us if we are hitting the mark and making disciples.

Our old scorecards have left leaders disoriented and quite honestly… disappointed. Moving forward, we need to ask different questions in order to measure true success.

In today’s episode, I offer a NEW scorecard with 7 new metrics leaders MUST begin to measure.

It’s likely you won’t hear about these 7 things in leadership books or church growth conferences. But if you want to lead in a way that actually makes disciples of Jesus, you cannot ignore them.

Listen to this episode, to discover 7 questions to measure leadership success.

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