How to Succeed with Sabbath: Practical Steps for Busy Leaders

A Free Webinar April 10th at 2pm ET

April Webinar

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


Personal Assessment

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Personal Assessment


Our Story

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship is a Christian ministry birthed out of the realization that key areas were missing in the church’s spiritual formation/discipleship. Over a 22-year period, these missing elements were identified and applied deeply at New Life Fellowship Church and then in churches around the world. Click HERE to watch a 9 minute introduction by Pete on Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.

What We Do

At Emotionally Healthy Discipleship we are dedicated to transform church culture through the multiplication of deeply changed leaders and disciples.

We equip church leaders to lead from their inner life with Christ and move to raise up mature disciples in their church, community and the world.

The EH Discipleship Pathway

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship is a paradigm that ultimately informs every area of a church, ministry, or organization. The one question that continually emerges in our work with leaders is: “How do I bring EH Discipleship into our church—and then how do I keep it there!?”

The foundation to change your church culture is the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course a 16-week course with 2-parts:

First, through Emotionally Healthy Spirituality people slow down their lives to cultivate their own deep relationship with Jesus and stop living off the spirituality of others.

Second, Emotionally Healthy Relationships equips people with practical, relationship skills to truly love others like Jesus.

Have Questions? Let Us Help!

Visit our contact page and send us a message. Our team is standing by to help you with your request.