Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

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Part 2 | Be Before YouDo | Emotionally Healthy Discipleship [BOOK LAUNCH SERIES]

Posted on March 30th, 2021

Today, we celebrate the release of the long-anticipated book, Emotionally Healthy Discipleship! We’ve already received tremendous feedback from leaders all around the world and we look forward to hearing how the book resonates with you as well!

In today’s podcast, I continue with the second part of our journey through the core principles of the book. I explore the first mark of emotionally healthy discipleship: Be Before You Do.

Leaders around the world are facing tremendous pressure. Not only has the pandemic accelerated the rate of change, but our church models often reward what we DO for God more than our ability to BE with God.

A person who practices being before doing operates from a place of emotional and spiritual fullness, deeply aware of themselves, others, and God. As a result, their being with God is sufficient to sustain their doing for God.

In this episode, I give you the top ten indicators that will tell you if your doing has exceeded your being. It’s worth a listen just for this list!

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