Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Become a Team that Goes Back to Go Forward: Part 1

Posted on January 21st, 2020

In emotionally healthy teams, people understand that their family of origin has enormous significance in their ability to function maturely as a team. ­They’ve realized from Scripture that an intricate relationship exists between the kind of person they are today and their past. Numerous external forces may shape us, but the family we have grown up in is the primary and, except in rare instances, the most powerful system that will ever shape and influence who we are.

In this podcast, I examine how it is that making sense of our stories (with their flaws, gaps, losses, and blessings) can powerfully transform us, our teams, and those we lead. I frame the podcast around five major points:

1. Identifying how your family has shaped you.
2. Discerning the major influences in your life.
3. Doing a genogram of your family and sharing it with your team.
4. Remembering genogram is something we work on at every stage of life.
5. Growing in differentiation is one of the most important gifts we give our team and those we lead.

We are so excited to finally make available three video training experiences for you and your team (whether your team is 3, 5, 15 or 300 people) — Explore Your Genogram; Rediscover Sabbath; and Craft a Rule of Life. These video experiences come with workbooks, questions for team discussion, and are free to you! Get access at

We are convinced these team-building experiences will put flesh on what so many leaders have only read about in books like The Emotionally Healthy Leader and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality.


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