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Become Leaders Who Cage and Tame Tigers: Part 2

Posted on March 3rd, 2020

In last week’s podcast, I explored the issue of caging “tigers” that emerge under our leadership. I defined a “tiger” as someone who invades and damages the overall health of our community due to their own lack of awareness and immaturity. These are among the most difficult, and revealing, moments for us as they test our level of differentiation like few others.

In this week’s podcast, I focus on the taming of “tiger” behaviors that happen on every team. This is the work that must be done regularly if we are to create healthy cultures. I begin the podcast by briefly reviewing a theological foundation for this work:  Leadership is reparenting people to live in the new family of Jesus; it is slow and takes lots of time, and we must embody the healthy culture we want to create. I then address the ten top questions that people ask around taming tigers and creating a healthy culture:

  1. What do I do if I hate conflict and run from it?
  2. What do I do if I’m not the person in charge of the team, but tiger behavior is everywhere?
  3. What do I do if the tiger behavior is coming from my supervisor?
  4. What do I do with my perfectionism in doing this?
  5. What do I do if taming or addressing tiger behaviors creates an unsafe environment?
  6. What do I do when there is so much tiger behavior out of order in our culture?
  7. What do I do if there is sin in my life and I feel like a hypocrite addressing anyone else?
  8. What do I do if the person that needs to be addressed is my friend on the team?
  9. What if the person doesn’t listen to me?
  10. What if our culture as a ministry/church is “Christian nice” and the addressing of immature behaviors is never done?

This will surely give you plenty to consider. Feel free to send me any further questions to


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