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Personal Assessment

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Personal Assessment


Church scandals. They seem to be more and more frequent in headline news. Each one has a dramatic effect on all of us. They are to be grieved but also carefully examined. Each one leaves us wondering Who’s next? – and more importantly – How might we examine our own church culture? It’s easy to point fingers at surface-level problems. But after long hours of prayerful thinking, I want to highlight one key that I believe will help us work towards a better, healthier future in our churches and ministries. Please listen to today’s episode, and if appropriate, share with others leaders who could benefit from this conversation.    


Sabbath Pt. 2: A Taste of Eternity

Posted on April 26th, 2022

You know you need a Sabbath when:  The only time you are alone is in the bathroom. It takes you over thirty minutes to fall asleep because your mind is racing about things you forgot to do. You think rest is sitting still in traffic. You go to check your e-mail for a moment and are still there an hour later. You cannot remember anything you ate in the last 3 days. You don’t know what day it is. You find yourself jealous and angry when someone else is enjoying life. When you tweet during movie, text during dinner, read e-mail during meetings and classes, and learn about your spouse’s day from Facebook. Do any of these sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. That’s why we must recover the ancient practice Sabbath. It’s how we slow down our lives to delight in Jesus, and in doing so, anchor ourselves into eternity. On today’s podcast,. Read more.


Sabbath Pt. 1: Working from Our Rest

Posted on April 19th, 2022

We have an urgent need to recover a slowed down spirituality – a way of life that allows us to live each moment in loving union with Jesus. One way we cultivate this way of life is by prioritizing a regular Sabbath day. In contrast with what many people believe, Sabbath is more than a “day off”. It is a day holy unto the Lord that transforms the other six days of our week. When we enter into Sabbath we are able to work from our rest, not just rest from our work. This is the theme we explore in today’s podcast episode. Working from our rest allows our lives to become a sign and wonder pointing to the reality of Jesus. Want to see how? Listen to the episode now.


Maturing into Spiritual Mothers & Fathers

Posted on April 12th, 2022

I want to clarify something… Becoming an emotionally healthy disciple is not just about self-discovery and self-improvement. Ultimately, our discipleship MUST lead us to become spiritual mothers and fathers of the faith – helping those around us discover their God-given power and purpose. In the gospel of Mark, we get a clear picture of how Jesus does this with a leper, a paralytic, and a tax collector. In each encounter, he steps into their lives and rewrites their story. He reveals their true identity, giving them beauty, power, and a voice that matters. This is what God has done for us, and this is what we must do for the world. The truth is – you can be 70 years old and still be an emotional infant. Or, you can be 30 years old and already be a spiritual mother or father. In today’s podcast, I share a message that invites us to become spiritual mothers. Read more.


Many great leaders of the past can be distinguished by one often overlooked virtue: Prudence. In Luke 16, Jesus tells a parable of a shrewd manager, who handles his wealth differently than others. Jesus then makes the connection that this non-Christian manager has something to teach his disciples. The Bible has much to say about growing in prudence. In a world of reactivity and short-term decision-making, we would do well to become shrewd leaders, able to be forward thinking leaders. On today’s podcast, I share a sermon that will help you grow as an emotionally healthy leader – prudent with your time, wealth, energy, and resources. Only with prudence are we able to become the kind of leaders who create and shape the future!


5 Questions to Guide You in Decision Making

Posted on March 29th, 2022

Are you facing a large decision requiring great discernment? Recently, I made a large, consequential decision over the period of 3 – 6 months. This discernment process required me to personally apply the principles of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship in a deep way. In today’s podcast episode, I will walk you through the specifics of this real-life decision, why it was complex, and five questions that guided me in this decision-making process. We are all eventually confronted with consequential decisions – especially those who lead. I pray these five questions better equip you to discern the will of God in your life and ministry.

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