Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Is your life and leadership the same on the INSIDE as it is on the OUTSIDE? You might respond “Of course it is!”. But reality is – sometimes it’s hard to know. That’s why God often sends others to help us see our own blindspots. In the Scriptures, this is the role of the prophets – to call God’s people out of blindness and help them see what they were missing. One of these prophets, Ezekiel, brought revelation to Israel at a time they needed it most. They had returned from exile and were dislocated, suffering, and traumatized. Jerusalem was destroyed. Instead of focusing on the corrupt, pagan nations around them, Ezekiel calls them to first see their own hypocrisy and superficiliaty as the people of God In today’s podcast, I share this full sermon and 3 invitations that I believe are critical for the day in which we live.

It has been almost 40 years since I graduated from seminary. My courses and study equipped me in so many areas – history, theology, and biblical languages. During that time felt like I was drinking from a fire hydrant. When I graduated, I was well aware there was still much to learn. I had no idea there would also be a few HARD lessons waiting for me. Each of them would completely transform my life and ministry. In today’s podcast, I share just 5 of these important lessons hoping they can be a gift to you as well.


The Radical Shift of Leading from Within

Posted on May 17th, 2022

Most leaders are consumed with solving problems, putting out fires, and managing people. This was the first 17 years of my ministry. I had become so accustomed to responding to all that was happening on the outside of me that I didn’t know how to lead from the inside. Tell me if this sounds familiar…  You’re externally managing institutions, people, buildings, and ministries Your prayers are focused on maximizing impact, attendance, and finances You’re busy, overloaded, and anxious. You’re not reflective or curious. You’re always looking for the next book to read or conference to attend You’re determined to remove obstacles and interruptions You regularly ignore your limits Your best energy is spent powering through your to-do list Most leaders are taught that THIS is good leadership! But the truth is, if you want to be a transformational leader, you must learn to lead from the inside out. In today’s episode, I share about the three. Read more.

Last week on the podcast we covered a thorny topic – Church Scandals. In order to get underneath this disturbing (and accelerating) trend, we must take seriously the work of cultivating spiritual depth in our churches. As we discussed last week, this starts with taking a look at the board that oversees your church. But it doesn’t stop there. In today’s episode, I tackle several questions that listeners sent me last week, and then we dive into part two of the key to addressing our church scandal crisis.

Church scandals. They seem to be more and more frequent in headline news. Each one has a dramatic effect on all of us. They are to be grieved but also carefully examined. Each one leaves us wondering Who’s next? – and more importantly – How might we examine our own church culture? It’s easy to point fingers at surface-level problems. But after long hours of prayerful thinking, I want to highlight one key that I believe will help us work towards a better, healthier future in our churches and ministries. Please listen to today’s episode, and if appropriate, share with others leaders who could benefit from this conversation.    


Sabbath Pt. 2: A Taste of Eternity

Posted on April 26th, 2022

You know you need a Sabbath when:  The only time you are alone is in the bathroom. It takes you over thirty minutes to fall asleep because your mind is racing about things you forgot to do. You think rest is sitting still in traffic. You go to check your e-mail for a moment and are still there an hour later. You cannot remember anything you ate in the last 3 days. You don’t know what day it is. You find yourself jealous and angry when someone else is enjoying life. When you tweet during movie, text during dinner, read e-mail during meetings and classes, and learn about your spouse’s day from Facebook. Do any of these sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. That’s why we must recover the ancient practice Sabbath. It’s how we slow down our lives to delight in Jesus, and in doing so, anchor ourselves into eternity. On today’s podcast,. Read more.

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