Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Here’s a scary truth…. You may be chronologically 35 or 55 or 75 years old, but still be an emotional and spiritual child. Or as one person put it…”I had been following Jesus for 22 years. But in reality, I was a one-year-old Christian 22 times.” This was my story for too many years. I was an emotional infant who was stuck. I was leading a church while my marriage and family were suffering. By God’s grace, I realized that something needed to change. The truth is – emotional health and spiritual maturity are inseparable. It is impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. What about you? Are you an emotional infant, child, adolescent, or adult? In today’s podcast episode I bring the last of a multi-week podcast series in which we explore the seminal work from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. If you are a pastor, leader, or listener and you want to start the journey toward emotional. Read more.


Discover the Rhythms of Sabbath

Posted on March 1st, 2022

We were made by God to live within rhythms and limits. One of these essential rhythms, established at creation, is to honor the Lord by keeping the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a 24-hour period once a week that is made holy unto the Lord by ceasing from work and living in delight. It’s far more than a “day off”. Sabbath is a day set aside to stop, rest, delight, and contemplate the beauty of God. On today’s podcast, we explore this countercultural practice that cuts to the very heart of our beliefs about God and ourselves. Today’s episode is a continuation of an 8-week podcast series in which we explore the seminal work from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. If you are a pastor, leader, or listener and you want to start the journey toward emotional and spiritual health, this series is a must-listen. If you missed the first episode on the problem of emotionally unhealthy spirituality, you can listen to. Read more.


Discover the Rhythms of Daily Office and Silence

Posted on February 22nd, 2022

Many Christians are familiar with the practice of a daily “quiet time”. But with the speed and volume of our often overscheduled lives, one short moment a day isn’t enough to sustain an abiding life with Jesus. We need to cultivate rhythms of solitude and silence with Jesus that allow us to live in the center of God’s love throughout the day. For this reason, the historic church ordered their days around fixed hour prayer, called the Daily Office. Today, on the podcast we explore this transformation practice in depth! Today’s episode is a continuation of an 8-week podcast series in which we explore the seminal work from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. If you are a pastor, leader, or listener and you want to start the journey toward emotional and spiritual health, this series is a must-listen. If you missed the first episode on the problem of emotionally unhealthy spirituality, you can listen to it here. As we say – you. Read more.


Enlarge Your Soul Through Grief and Loss

Posted on February 15th, 2022

Grief and loss are a central part of our humanity. It comes without our permission and against our will. But this is why suffering is how God uniquely opens our hearts and transforms us. So why do so many of us avoid grief and loss at all costs? Much of this is because we lack a theology that allows us to see God’s gifts within our suffering. Yet as we become apprentices to sorrow, our hearts begin to enlarge so we can give and receive the love of God. This is how God births something new out of the old. Today’s episode is a continuation of an 8-week podcast series in which we explore the seminal work from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. If you are a pastor, leader, or listener and you want to start the journey toward emotional and spiritual health, this series is a must-listen. If you missed the first episode on the problem of emotionally unhealthy. Read more.


Journey Through the Wall

Posted on February 8th, 2022

It happens to all of us. Sooner or later it will happen to you…. The “Wall” is another name for the times in our journey where it appears our faith is “not working”. At walls, we end up questioning ourselves, God, and the church. The very foundation of our faith feels like it is on the line. We don’t know where God is, what He is doing, where He is going, how He is getting us there, or when it will be over. Sound familiar? You are not alone. In fact, every Christian eventually hits a wall. At the time, it feels detrimental. But the wall is actually what God uses to transform us from the inside out. In today’s podcast, I talk more extensively about the 6 stages of the wall and it can lead to complete life transformation. This episode is a continuation of an 8-week podcast series in which we explore the seminal. Read more.


Going Back to Go Forward

Posted on February 1st, 2022

Leaders by nature are future-focused. We dream about possibilities that are months or even years down the road. But when it comes to our discipleship, we can not underestimate the power of our past and how it shapes our future. The Scriptures tell us that the blessings and sins of our families going back three to four generations profoundly impact who we are today. The truth is – we cannot move into the future God has for us until we acknowledge the blessings and brokenness we’ve inherited from our families of origin. Today, on the podcast, we continue an 8-week series in which we explore the seminal work from Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. If you are a pastor, leader, or listener and you want to grow in emotional health, this series is a must-listen. If you missed the first episode on the problem of emotionally unhealthy spirituality, you can listen to it here. As we say – you can’t. Read more.

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