Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Working in Light of the Heavenly City

Posted on November 2nd, 2021

There is a deep longing inside of all of us for happiness, bliss, ecstasy, and infinite love. This is by design. God created us to long for the day we’ll be together with Him in heaven at a feast that never ends! In Genesis, we read how Abraham lived his life from this vision.  The writer of Hebrews says that Abraham longed for a better country – a heavenly one. Even his work was seen through the lens of eternity. In today’s podcast, I explore the life of Abraham and the revelation that propelled him forward in his work. Because when we view our life and work from heaven’s perspective, everything changes.

It’s been said, “Fish don’t know they’re in water.” In the same way, it’s easy for us to become so used to “the way things are” in the church. For those of us who are pastors and church leaders, we often don’t realize that the way we speak about work, calling, and ministry is often disempowering to the people we lead. Language is powerful. It affects our theology and creates culture. In today’s podcast, I expose some of the most unbiblical language we use and how we can better communicate good theology so our people can flourish in their everyday lives.


Many leaders today are beginning to discover (or rediscover) the beauty of Sabbath-keeping. This is great news and worth celebrating! But it calls for another question… “What about the other 6 days of the week?” The truth is – we need a theology that invites us to experience God’s passion and purpose in our Monday through Friday work. Not only is this important for you as a leader, but it is tremendously important for the men and women of your church in this season. For the most part, our churches are still scattered. Many of our people have yet to return to the normal rhythms of community life. For this reason, we must know how to equip them where they are for their everyday work. Today on the podcast, I build upon last week’s episode about finding our “calling” and share about the deeper purpose of our work from God’s perspective.


Have you ever said something like this?… “One day I’ll find my calling.” “If I had a calling, I must have missed it.” “I’m not called to full-time ministry.” The truth is – language like this is so common that many of us can’t even tell there’s something detrimentally wrong with it. When we fail to have a proper theology of “calling”, we miss out on the fullness of the life God invites us into. Even more, in an age of disruption, we must be crystal clear about what is (and is not) our calling. Today on the podcast, I share a message that reframes this often misunderstood topic. Believe me, this topic is so monumental, it’s like discovering a new continent!


How God’s Absence is a Form of His Presence

Posted on October 5th, 2021

Do you ever feel like God is absent? Be honest. Even when you spend your time, energy, prayer life, and sermon prep reminding your people about the presence of God, does your spiritual life ever feel desolate and silent? If so, you’re not alone. This paradox causes many pastors and leaders to feel like frauds. The reality is – we all go through seasons where God is purposefully hidden. Yet even in these times, God is closer than we can imagine. In today’s podcast, I explore the paradox of how God’s absence is a form of His presence.


Discerning God’s Presence in Apparent Failure

Posted on September 28th, 2021

Does it ever feel like your church is moving backwards? With all of the talk of “rebuilding” in a post-pandemic world, many pastors and leaders feel discouraged that their church is still 50% of what it used to be. They can’t help but see themselves as failures. The reality is – God is just as present in our failure as he is in our success. We keep wanting to change our situation, but God is wanting to change us. On today’s podcast, I offer encouragement to pastors who are carrying the weight of the church in a time that is very disorienting. If you need a fresh perspective, take a listen.

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