Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Why Jesus Draws You to the End of Yourself

Posted on September 21st, 2021

There are times and seasons where God brings us to the end of ourselves. The end of our strength. The end of our wisdom. The end of our creativity. The list goes on. I believe we are in a season like this right now. Many pastors and leaders feel caught in the midst of an impossible situation. Maybe your church attendance has been cut in half, your finances are running out, or you’re just not sure what to do. If you’ve come to the end of yourself, you’re not alone. In fact, This is exactly what happens in Mark 6 when the disciples find themselves in yet another storm. They had run out of options and solutions. Jesus uses this moment to anchor them back into a deeper trust in His work and His ways. On today’s podcast, I share with you a message that I believe is timely and encouraging.


Quit Being Afraid of What Other People Think

Posted on September 14th, 2021

Today is an exciting day! We are pleased to launch a brand new podcast called Emotionally Healthy Woman with Geri Scazzero. This first podcast season will feature 8 episodes following the life-changing content from the Emotionally Healthy Woman book. Go and subscribe here so you don’t miss an episode. And the truth is – this podcast is transformational for men, too! Over the course of this season, you’ll learn how to quit eight destructive habits that sabotage the health of your soul and relationships. Today, we give you a sneak peek of the first episode called, “Quit Being Afraid of What Other People Think”. We think you’ll love it!


A Wake Up Call for the Church We Can’t Ignore

Posted on September 7th, 2021

Today on the podcast, I share an interview I did with Carey Nieuwhof on Barna’s ChurchPulse Weekly Podcast. Our conversation was so timely that I wanted to reshare it with our audience here. Simply put – God is waking up the church. The current mental and emotional health crisis is a giant warning sign through which God is trying to get our attention. This wake-up call is vast and multi-faceted. No one leader or ministry has all the answers. At Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, we believe the way through this crisis requires us to discover the treasures buried in thousands of years of church history. In this interview, I share some of these treasures and why they are vitally important for the leaders of today and tomorrow.


3 Unlikely Habits that Will Save Your Life

Posted on August 31st, 2021

One of the greatest challenges for pastors and church leaders in the west is to learn to follow the crucified, not the Americanized Jesus. This requires we learn to surrender our definitions of success, greatness, and popularity in order to enter into the way of Jesus. In my life and leadership, I’ve discovered that this depth of surrender requires the practice of three specific habits on a daily basis (and often multiple times a day!) These habits are so important, that they’ve become second nature. Each morning, I practice them before I do anything else. In today’s podcast, l invite you to listen along as I walk through these three habits detailed in my book Emotionally Healthy Discipleship.


Embracing the Dark Silence of God

Posted on August 24th, 2021

Everyone at some point experiences the silence of God. Even Jesus, the son of God, experienced the Father’s silence as he hung on the cross. These times or seasons can feel dark and confusing. We often wonder if we have done something wrong to deserve such treatment. But the reality is – everything that happened to Jesus, in some way, happens to us as well. A student is not above His master. In today’s podcast, I share with you a passage that has been instrumental for me as a leader. The scene comes from Mark 15 where Jesus is lonely on the cross. I then offer some encouragement for how God comes to us, even in His silence.


Every day, we face new and great challenges all around the world. Just this week, we’ve learned about the tragic loss of life in Haiti and the hostile Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. It’s all shocking and heart-rending. Like you, we pray for and grieve with our global family. And yes, these events, added to the devasting realities of the pandemic can feel overwhelming. This is all a reminder that our own strength is insufficient in order to face these tragedies. Today, we need the power of Jesus more than ever. This is one of the unexpected gifts of this last season. Cascading crises all around the world have exposed our fragility and thrust us into deeper dependence on Jesus. In today’s episode, I offer encouragement by drawing attention to the enormous power of Jesus in the face of evil. Mark chapter 5 offers us the most graphic story in all of the New Testament. In. Read more.

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