Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Our lives are a series of endings and new beginnings. Every time something comes to an end we can rest assured that God wants to birth something new. Last year, COVID-19 brought many changes, turns, and endings to life as usual. As we transition into a post-pandemic world and continue to navigate uncertainty, we have the opportunity to turn our eyes to the new work of the Holy Spirit. In today’s episode, I share a message from Acts about how the early church also was confronted by endings and new beginnings. Their secret was not moving forward in their own strength, but rather, trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit. This episode starts with two important questions: What is it time to let go of in your life right now? What new chapter is God wanting to write with your life?   Pete’s hope today is that you would be encouraged to know that. Read more.

The last two years have been a series of cascading crises with no signs of abating. From the pandemic to social justice movements and continued political polarization – our world has only accelerated in terms of seismic change. This creates an incredible amount of pressure for leaders of all kinds – especially in the church. To be leaders who flourish in the future to come, we must step into several important practices and paradigm shifts. In today’s podcast, I explore 3 critical shifts that must take place in order for us to not buckle under the weight of unrelenting pressure.


In last week’s podcast, I explored one of the most important and least discussed skills for every leader – emotionally healthy supervision. I laid out a 3-part roadmap that involves what to do BEFORE your meeting, DURING your meeting, and AFTER your meeting with key staff members and volunteers. Today on the podcast, I’ll continue on this theme using real-life case studies sent in from pastors and leaders. We’ll touch on topics such as: Hiring and firing Power and Boundaries Dual Relationships Hierarchy and Genogram Differentiation (yours and theirs) The bottom line is – those you oversee are not simply a means to get the work of God done. They actually are the work to which God has called you. How we supervise has everything to do with the culture we are creating in our churches. Join me today as I discuss several case studies that will help you move from theory to reality.


Supervision of people is one of the most important tasks for every leader, especially for Christian leaders. We are concerned, not simply with the task they are commissioned to do, but also with their spiritual formation. Why? Work performance and spiritual formation are inseparable.  The problem is, most of us have only experienced supervision in traditional business settings that is primarily transactional and task-based. Many of us don’t know there is another way. So what does emotionally healthy supervision look like? In today’s podcast, I share with you a roadmap, that if applied, will help your entire organization not only operate efficiently but lead to Christ-likeness in every person.


Preparing for the End of the World

Posted on June 1st, 2021

If you knew the end of the world was near, how would you respond? We live in turbulent times. Some expert opinions say this level of upheaval will only increase until the 2030’s. For many, it feels much like the end of the world. This is why we should take comfort in what Jesus said about the end. In Mark 13, Jesus prepares his disciples for the last days – a time of great upheaval both inside and outside of the church. But He gives them two very clear words on how they should respond. These words are critical for us as we navigate these times. In today’s episode, we will explore these words from Mark 13. Wherever you are today, I pray Jesus breathes into your lungs new perspective, peace, and purpose for your life and future!


We all come across stones in our lives. Stones are anything, big or small, that we unexpectedly encounter on our journey. We can either stumble over these stones, or we can embrace them as gifts of grace. In Mark 12, Jesus shares the parable of the tenants. In one particular verse, He quotes from the Psalms: The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. The Lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes (v.10-11)  The stone is Jesus. He was rejected and unseen by the religious authorities. He was an obstacle to some but an open door to many. Like Jesus, most of the stones in our lives can transform us if we are willing to change the way we see. Listen to today’s podcast to learn more.

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