Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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In your life, whether you like it or not, you’ll experience a series of life-altering transitions. Transitions are big and small and come in many forms including death, career, marriage, children, relocation, relationships, and church community. In fact, we are currently in a time of massive, global transition. Decades from now, the world will remember the coronavirus pandemic as one of the most significant events of our lifetime. Transitions are unavoidable. The problem is – most of us don’t do them very well. But every transition is simply a preparation from God – a foretaste of the great transition that will happen at the end of the age. In today’s podcast, I share several keys that will help us pay attention to the work of God in our lives, even in the fog of life transitions.


In 597 B.C., the unimaginable happened. Jerusalem was destroyed and Israel was taken into captivity in Babylon. Not only were they far from home and everything they considered familiar, but they were also left clinging to the promises of God, wondering if there was any hope of return. Five years later, a young man named Ezekiel saw something he didn’t expect. While gathered with other exiles at the river, God met him in a powerful way. Today, many of us feel far from home and the world we used to know. But take heart! The places of great turmoil and disillusionment are where God wants to surprise us with His Presence. In today’s podcast, I share with you a message from Ezekiel that Has several timely applications for our present moment. I pray you will listen along and be deeply encouraged!

“I just want to move on…” I hear this phrase often from pastors. We’re tired of the pandemic and we’re over talking about it. Most of us would rather keep our heads down and power through. But as we discussed in last week’s podcast, we MUST acknowledge the deep grief and loss that we’ve experienced in this last year. This is where Jesus wants to meet us and unlock new revelation of God and ourselves. But HOW do we actually lead ourselves and our churches through grief and loss? In today’s podcast, I offer ten practical ways we can practice grief and loss. I believe this will give you simple next steps and a new imagination for what this could like in your life and church. It all starts by beginning our “long apprenticeship with sorrow” which I unpack in this episode. Take a listen.

Will this pandemic ever come to an end? That’s the lingering question following us around like a cloud. The truth is – no one really knows when things will get better and predictions are all over the map. Until then, we hold on to the hope of recovering normalcy in our lives and churches. This deep desire for a new future drives us forward each day. But in our anticipation of the future, it’s essential that we not neglect the pain of the present. This week, over 441,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the United States since the pandemic began. Don’t just skim over this. Take a moment and let it sink in. As leaders, we must not avoid pain and loss in our lives and world. When we do, we actually miss out on seeing a deeper revelation of God and ourselves. In today’s podcast, I share part one of a series. Read more.


We are approaching the end of our first full year of the pandemic and it is clear we are in the middle of an unfolding global revolution. While we have yet to understand all of its layers, we know that this breadth of massive change continues to leave us feeling confused and alone. It’s a place we didn’t choose. And it feels much like we’ve entered our own “lion’s den”. It’s a dark, confusing, and dangerous place. We wonder what we did to deserve this kind of outcome. But much like the prophet Daniel experienced, there is a much deeper work waiting for us in this pit of despair. Rather than exhausting our energy asking the “why?” questions in the lion’s den, it’s critical we turn our attention to the profound and hidden ways God is coming to us in this season. In today’s podcast, we explore the three things God is wanting to develop. Read more.


You are a person of influence. Even if you’re not leading a church or ministry, God has entrusted people into your care. Leadership, in God’s eyes, is no small task. But in a time like this, it’s easy to lose sight of the significance of this calling. Many leaders become discouraged without the usual metrics of success. We can get frustrated and wonder if it’s all really worth the blood, sweat, and tears. This is why Jesus reframes leadership in an important way. He calls his disciples not just to be leaders, but to become shepherds. Three times he invites the ashamed, defeated Peter to, “feed my sheep”. For Jesus, caring for His precious sheep is the greatest work on the face of the earth. So what can we learn from the honorable, yet costly calling of a shepherd? In today’s podcast, I address the 3 critical tasks of shepherds and remind you why your. Read more.

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