Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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The Hidden Life Every Leader Needs

Posted on January 12th, 2021

Most of our lives (and churches) are built around what can be seen and measured. We set goals, make plans, grow our numbers, curate a social media presence, and manage people’s expectations. While there is nothing wrong with external activity, leaders today must give special attention to their inner life in order to thrive in the days ahead. Today on the podcast, I want to share with you a message about the prophet Jeremiah and his hidden life with God. The reality is – the world needs to see something different in the culture of the church. I believe this starts with the ability to slow down and discern God’s hidden Presence amidst the tumultuous times in which we live.


Seeing the Miracle in Your Limits and Loaves

Posted on January 5th, 2021

Happy New Years! As we launch into 2021, we turn our eyes to what’s ahead. Even though the calendar year has changed, we still find ourselves surrounded by many limits. The challenges for church leaders are great. And for many, these harsh realities have led us down a path of increased pessimism and discouragement. But what if we could see our limits through the eyes of Jesus? In today’s episode, I share a word of encouragement as we enter a new year. Based on the story of fishes and loaves, we’ll discover how Jesus invites us out of the fear of scarcity into the joy of abundance.


Top 5 Most Listened to Podcasts of 2020

Posted on December 29th, 2020

Before 2020 comes to a close, we want to thank you for joining us on this journey. Last week, The Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast surpassed 2 million downloads for the year! This is a major milestone for our ministry and would not have happened without your continued support. Thank you for every download, every share, every like, and every review. It means the world to us! Also, this number tells us that our work is far from over. Leaders all around the world are craving a new way to lead from emotional and spiritual health in order to multiply deeply changed disciples of Jesus. We believe you are leading the charge, and there are many more we expect to join us this coming year! For the final podcast episode of the year, we compiled moments from the highest-rated episodes of 2020. Listen to today’s episode to hear a series of short snippets or link to the. Read more.


Step Over Fear into God’s Future

Posted on December 22nd, 2020

Merry Christmas! This week, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we can rejoice in the promise that His light has come to dispel the deep darkness in our world. For many, this darkness surrounds us in the form of FEAR. Fear about the future. Fear of not having enough. Fear of rejection. Fear of our safety and security. Fear of losing people we love. It is likely that you or someone you are leading has been gripped by the power of fear. That’s why in today’s episode, I share a sermon from the prophet Jeremiah that will help us step over fear in the strength and power of God.


When God’s Work Feels Too Small & Slow

Posted on December 15th, 2020

We are in the season of Advent – a time of hopeful expectation! Yet we remain several months away from the end of the global pandemic. Across the board, many churches are closing down and others are hanging on with all of their strength. Church leaders continue to feel pressure from all sides. And without the old metrics of success, much of our work can feel insignificant and frankly, disappointing. Fortunately, Jesus spoke about this reality.  Repeatedly, he taught that the kingdom of heaven would come in the form of seeds. Small, hidden, slow, vulnerable seeds. Today, we explore this theme together, and I offer encouragement for how to participate in the slow and small work of God in our lives.

What if you boarded a flight to Italy, but then to your shock, you ended up in Holland? For many church leaders, that’s what this year has felt like. The entire landscape is much different than what was preached on “Vision Sunday” last January! Maybe your life hasn’t exactly flipped upside-down. But it’s likely you’re asking brand new questions as you navigate terrain you’ve never seen before. In today’s podcast, I share some insights from the prophet Isaiah to help us see what God is doing when our plans change drastically. I believe this episode will help you enter more deeply into the Advent season AND prepare well for the coming year.

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