Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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A Candid Conversation on Leading Well in Crisis

Posted on September 1st, 2020

When a crisis presents itself, what is your first instinct? At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many leaders rushed into vision-casting mode, hoping to make the most of this new opportunity. Others expended a tremendous amount of energy launching new programs and initiatives in an attempt to overcome the disorientation. But in times of crisis, leaders need a dramatically different set of skills and practices in order to stay healthy for the long haul. Recently, Geri and I were asked to share our thoughts on leading during crisis. This wasn’t your typical Q&A interview. This was an open and raw conversation where we expressed our heartfelt encouragement to young leaders trying to lead in this moment. We address topics such as revival, anxiety, and the need for well-differentiated, non-anxious leadership. At the close, Geri ends the interview with a comment about “saving civilization” that is perhaps worth the entire podcast!


Seeing God at Work When He Appears Absent

Posted on August 25th, 2020

One of the great challenges before us is allowing God to transform the way we see. These days, much our perspective is shaped through the lens of daily news headlines. This view has the potential to lead us into deep discouragement and blind us to the ways God is at work in our lives. In today’s podcast, I explore a revelation that came to the prophet Isaiah in a time of great change. In this vision, he saw God on a throne and that a great future was going to spring out of an unlikely place. How can we learn to see God at work even when he appears absent?


Disorientation and the Plan of God

Posted on August 17th, 2020

No one enjoys the feeling of bewilderment. As leaders, we spend many of our days praying for clarity, resisting confusion, and seeking understanding, thinking “Isn’t this what God wants?” But often, we forget that God transforms us by leading us through a three-phase journey: Orientation, Disorientation, and Reorientation. In today’s podcast, I share with you a sermon based on Isaiah 43 exploring God’s divine purpose in a season of disorientation and how we can step into the plan of God.


How do we do church when we can’t gather?

Posted on August 10th, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it is clear that many of our churches will not be gathering in large, in-person groups for quite some time. Even for churches who are re-opening, stats are showing us that people aren’t flocking back to gatherings like we thought they would. This creates a sizeable challenge for leaders who rely on Sunday services as their primary expression for being the church. In today’s podcast, Pete addresses this concern head-on. Drawing from historical and global case studies, Pete helps us reframe how the church can thrive even when we can’t gather.


A new Barna report shows that church attendance is down 30-40% since the beginning of COVID-19. Also, half of practicing Christian millennials are not viewing services online. In just a few months, all of our normal ministry metrics have changed. Leaders are wondering how to measure success for this brand new landscape we have entered. In today’s podcast, I offer a few ways for us to reframe “success” that will serve us well as we continue our journey through the unknown.


Does the way you spend time with Jesus actually transform your life? Back in June, I released the first part of today’s topic, making a case that leaders must dramatically change the way we approach our devotional life with Jesus. Many evangelicals start their day with a “quiet time”. However, most leaders would agree that this practice does very little to sustain us amidst the mounting pressures and challenges of our day. In today’s podcast, I recommend a new way forward. I’ll share with you four keys that will breathe life back into your devotions.

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