Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Teams that Embrace Rhythms and Limits-Part 1

Posted on February 4th, 2020

This podcast discusses limits and rhythms as two of the most counterintuitive, difficult truths in Scripture to embrace. They touch the core of our relationship with Jesus, how we function as a team, and the way in which we lead. Both limits and rhythms fly in the face of our natural tendency to want to play God, control outcomes, and run the world. Yet they remain deep truths to which we must return, over and over, as leaders and teams. In this podcast, I examine Adam and Eve’s original rebellion against God as a refusal to accept God’s rhythm, and limit, for them. God gave them enormous freedom in the Garden. Then, without explanation, He set a boundary before them. They were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen.2:15-17). They were to trust and surrender to Him, bowing humbly before His incomprehensible ways. They were to be active, then. Read more.


 Each of us has been “formed/discipled” by our family of origin in the early years of our lives – whether we were Christians or not. We learned, for example, how to think about relationships, work, success, ethnicity, and anger from our families. When we came to Jesus, however, we were birthed into a new family. And it is Jesus’ new family that we were to learn and be formed into disciples of Him. That laboring till Christ be formed in people is the core of our work of leadership (Gal. 4:19). But it must begin with us. In this podcast I invite you to do three things: 1. Think theologically. Everything rises and falls on theology. If we are going to multiply deeply changed discipleship and leaders, we must begin with ourselves and our teams. 2. Think of leadership as the inner work to define yourself in Jesus, not growing in expertise.  This is much. Read more.


In emotionally healthy teams, people understand that their family of origin has enormous significance in their ability to function maturely as a team. ­They’ve realized from Scripture that an intricate relationship exists between the kind of person they are today and their past. Numerous external forces may shape us, but the family we have grown up in is the primary and, except in rare instances, the most powerful system that will ever shape and influence who we are. In this podcast, I examine how it is that making sense of our stories (with their flaws, gaps, losses, and blessings) can powerfully transform us, our teams, and those we lead. I frame the podcast around five major points: 1. Identifying how your family has shaped you. 2. Discerning the major influences in your life. 3. Doing a genogram of your family and sharing it with your team. 4. Remembering genogram is something we work on. Read more.


Emotionally Healthy Discipleship impacts preaching in multiple ways. Over a 24-year period, I organized these learnings around a series of ten questions that I ask myself, and others, when preaching a message. In last week’s podcast I introduced the first five questions: 1. Am I preaching for Jesus out of a life of being with him? 2. Am I present to myself and to the people in the room? 3. Am I allowing the text to intersect with my family of origin and culture? 4. Am I preaching out of my vulnerability and weakness? 5. Am I allowing the text to transform me? This week, I explore the final five, and make a few concluding suggestions to make your long-term preaching experience rich, full, and enjoyable. Questions six through ten are: 6. Am I surrendering to Christ’s process of birth, death and resurrection?  The sermon preparation process follows, I find, the life of Jesus. We. Read more.

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship impacts preaching in multiple ways. Over a 24-year period, I organized these learnings around ten questions that I ask myself, and others, when preaching a message. In this podcast, I deal with the first five of those questions that ensure we make room for God to do His transformative work in us and then preach in ways that lead others to authentic transformation as well. They are: 1. Am I preaching for Jesus out of a life of being with Jesus? We are men and women who bring the living God to our people out of our relationship with Him. But I cannot bring Him deeply if I don’t know Him deeply. I cannot bring people in the spiritual journey beyond where I have traveled with Jesus myself. Good exegesis and structuring a message well are important. But perhaps, a more important question is: Do I have enough contemplative time around. Read more.


The turning of the calendar year is an appropriate time to step back and get perspective on ourselves and our leadership. This podcast offers an inside view of Moses and his leadership in the midst of great pressure at the Red Sea as Pharaoh takes “600 of the best chariots, along with all the other chariots of Egypt…and pursues the Israelites boldly… overtaking them as they camped by the sea.” (Exodus 14:7). Moses makes a number of wise, critical leadership choices and, in so doing, offers us a model for us. 1. He chooses not to get entangled in the fear and anxiety around him. Instead, he remembers the larger, deeper work God is doing. 2. He chooses not to take the easy, short-sighted path to keep everyone happy. Instead, he courageously does what is best despite other’s lack of support. 3. He chooses not to react or rush. Instead, he balances God’s call. Read more.

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