Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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One of the greatest insights I’ve gained from working with thousands of churches around the world is that creating a healthy church culture is indispensable to multiplying deeply transformed disciples and leaders. To help you begin thinking about what this might look like in your own church, I’ve identified six characteristics or marks of what we call today, an emotionally healthy church culture: Slowed-Down Spirituality Integrity in Leadership Beneath-the-Surface Discipleship Healthy Community Passionate Marriage and Singleness Every Person in Full-Time Ministry In this podcast, I explore the first and most important characteristic of this culture – a slowed down spirituality. This is a church culture where people refuse to allow a hurried world to set the pace for their lives. Instead they choose to live by rhythms that are slower and more deliberate. They set aside time each day to immerse themselves in Scripture, silence, and solitude, which are foundational practices for their communion. Read more.

 In this 4th and final episode of a sermon series on the life of Jacob, Pete observes the life of Jacob in contrast to his son Joseph.  One lived as if all things were against him.  The other lived knowing God was for him even in difficult circumstances. How might you be living? Here are some questions to ponder as you listen to the podcast. Am I anxious and fearful or am I waiting and trusting? Am I living lies or am I living truth? Am I distracted or focused?

 Tension. Distress. Difficulty. Pressure. Walls. Do these adjectives describe some days in your leadership? Listen to Part 2 of “Hard Lessons from the Life of Jacob” as Pete shares how God met Jacob in the mess, strain and conflict of his leadership. God is there to do the same in our own difficult leadership days. Enjoy!    

Tension. Distress. Difficulty. Pressure. Walls. Do these adjectives describe some days in your leadership? Listen to Part 2 of “Hard Lessons from the Life of Jacob” as Pete shares how God met Jacob in the mess, strain and conflict of his leadership. God is there to do the same in our own difficult leadership days. Enjoy!    

Jacob offers us a rich study of leadership. While he was richly blessed by God – chosen, destined to greatness, and deeply loved – he struggled to rest in that reality. Instead, we observe him as manipulative, aggressive, and restless. His very name meant “cheat or grabber!” Over the next few weeks we will look at a number of stories out of his life that come out of his earthly spirituality – while traveling, in conflicts, and with his family. I can relate to Jacob. I trust you can also. In this message I unpack the lessons of Jacob’s exploitation of Esau to ensure he gets God’s blessings for the future (cf. Genesis 25:21-34). This fear drives him to manipulate circumstances, and his brother, with devastating consequences. Jacob shows us that true spirituality is not about grabbing or controlling, but about resting, trusting and surrendering to God’s love and plans, even when they unfold. Read more.

Jesus’ challenge to the leaders in his day, found in his sermon in Matthew 23, is so biting and sharp that some interpreters have wondered if these words are authentically Jesus’. They are. I’m convinced Jesus intends this profound teaching to serve as a warning for us in every generation. He means it to be a means of deep surgery in our hearts. In this podcast, I break down Jesus’ challenge into 5 categories: Be careful to practice what you preach. We need to be careful that the gap between our role and our soul diminishes, not widens, with time, and that we slow down enough to actually live what we preach. Be careful of showiness. Jesus railed against leaders who “do everything… for people to see” (Matt. 23:5). The temptations we face to draw attention to ourselves and to do things that show we are great are powerful. Jesus was the opposite of. Read more.

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Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision That Deeply Changes Lives