Relationships Pt. 3: The Life-Saving Practice of Clarifying Expectations
Unclear and unmet expectations have the power to rip apart relationships, divide teams, blow up families, and sink entire churches. That’s why expectations are a matter of life and death! There are 4 primary ways expectations go wrong: Your expectation is unconscious. You didn’t even know you had an expectation until it was violated. Your expectation is unrealistic. It is not reasonable given the person or circumstance. Your expectation is unspoken. You did not clearly articulate your expectation to another person. Your expectation is un-agreed upon. The other person never agreed to follow-through with your expectation. The good news is – this can all be remedied by learning the life-saving skill of Clarifying Expectations. On part three of this series, Geri Scazzero is joined by her husband Pete to explore the 8 essential relationship skills everyone must adopt in order to cultivate emotionally healthy relationships. —————- ✅ How Emotionally Healthy Are You?: Take Free Assessment to Discover if You Are an Emotional Infant, Adolescent,. Read more.