Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Breaking Racial and Cultural Barriers in Your Church: Part 2

Posted on October 1st, 2019

In this podcast, I share the 6 unique contributions Emotionally Healthy Discipleship brings to the challenge of bridging barriers of race, culture and class.  These gifts emerge out of journey at New Life Fellowship Church as we committed ourselves to be a multiracial community core to our witness to Christ here in New York City.

God met us powerfully in our 32 year journey, shaping us into an incredibly diverse community with over 75 nations. The theological, personal and practical gifts that came with our failures and successes were innumerable. In this podcast, nonetheless, I talk about the final four contributions of EH Discipleship to this pressing global issue that confronts us as the church in the 21st century:

  1. Calling people to a radical desert spirituality with Jesus
  2. Utilizing genograms for self awareness and transformation
  3. Valuing brokenness and vulnerability
  4. Creating a new language with a new culture as the new family of Jesus
  5. Embracing grief and loss as core to discipleship; and
  6. Prioritizing incarnational presence and love.




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Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision That Deeply Changes Lives