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Breathe: Being with God in Silence

Posted on December 18th, 2018

This podcast, a 15-minute experience of silence and stillness before the Lord, is our Christmas gift to you, our way of saying “thank you” for being one of our faithful podcast listeners.

The large majority of you may be driving, walking, or working out as you listen. Nonetheless, I will lead you in this podcast through this very slow experience by reading the words as they appear on the screen. I trust you will be able to experience a portion of this gift even without seeing the images. But for the fuller experience with Jesus, let me invite you to click on the image below and watch it via your phone or computer.

Note: I saw the seed of this idea for this somewhere in 2008. (However, I am not sure where that was.) I watered that seed and developed a sermon around it to help people at New Life Fellowship Church integrate silence into their relationship with Jesus. Then, we vastly improved it at our Level 2 Training Conference in May of this past year. We have now retitled it Breathe: Being with God in Silence.

And may the miracle of the Creator becoming a human creature like one of us evoke wonder and worship in you during this season.


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