LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders

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Category Archives: Discipleship/Formation

Pastoral Gleanings from the Trappists -2012

At the end of my summer vacation each year, I take a week for a retreat on the lovely grounds of St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts.  About 60-70 men live there, dedicated to a life of prayer. I love the silence, the singing of the Psalms, the beauty of the landscape, the contrast to my life in New York City. One of the highlights for me continues to be a growing relationship with Father Dominic. He his a former Dominican priest with a PH.D in Thomas Aquinas.He taught at Georgetown University before sensing a call to a greater life of prayer. This led him out of the Dominican order to become a Trappist. He now serves as the prior of the monastery (i.e. the COO, or#2 person). We met each day for spiritual direction and a “conference.” He is engaged in many “un-monastic” things, such as strategic planning, running a business, dealing with. Read more.

Summer Reading Picks 2012!

I believe reading broadly is foundational to good leadership. It widens our lens through which we serve and feed people. Take a look! Behind The Beautiful Forevers. This was my favorite read of the summer. Very well-written. Brilliant insights into a Mumbai slum where Boo spent years researching. Anyone involved with the poor, both in North America and globally, needs to read this book (e.g. those involved with our New Life Community Development Center). See her outstanding interview with Bill Gates. Julian of Norwhich. God continues to come to me through her revelations on the love of God. Julian of Norwich has been called, by some, the greatest spiritual writer in the history of the church. I never understood it till now. Poland. This one by Michener was fascinating to illumine both Poland and Eastern European history, especially their long history with Russia and Germany. Disturbing The Peace. Havel was the last president of Czechoslovakia (1989–1992) and. Read more.

Insights from Bill Hybels – Global Leadership Summit 2013

As I sat in the front row listening to Bill Hybel’s first talk at the Leadership Summit a few weeks ago, I was richly blessed. The following are five themes I brought to a time of stillness before God when it was over.  I pray you will consider doing the same. 1. We lead from a God-centered perspective, but we do it imperfectly. (In other words, give yourself grace for mistakes you will inevitably make). 2. You are the most difficult person you will ever lead. 3. A leader’s most valuable asset is not his/her time but their energy. 4. Six by Six (6 by6). What are six things you can do in the next six weeks to offer your best contribution to your organization? Order your life as a leader to stay focused and make the maximum impact you can for God’s kingdom. 5. Thank God for the great privilege to lead.  Only. Read more.

Women, Leadership and the Church

I recently taught a course on Women, Leadership and the Church at NLF. It was great for me to do the in-depth exegesis, hermeneutics and theology around the issue. It was fantastic for the 100+ people in attendance – male and female. The 5 hour course can be found on-line at NLF. Enjoy the videos below:

Technology, Enroe and the Rain Forest

While in Malaysia, Geri and I spent two wonderful days at Mt. Kinabalu National Park in the midst of the Borneo rainforest, the oldest rainforest in the world. Enroe was our “ranger guide,” leading us in our hikes during those two days. We learned a lot from Enroe. He grew up in the rainforest and never saw a city until he was sixteen (He is now thirty). He told us about his mother using particular leaves and plants to stop bleeding or ease fevers. He talked with us about his village, their rhythms, their foods and their culture. He talked about his first visit to a big city at the age 16 and how overwhelming it was. (His city visits even now can only last an hour). We learned a lot from Enroe as he slowly and thoughtfully answered our questions and tried to digest the complexity of our lives in New York City.. Read more.

Lessons from the Church in Singapore/Malaysia

Geri and I recently returned from a 15 day trip to Malaysia and Singapore. We went to offer emotionally healthy spirituality, but we received, perhaps, more than we gave. The following are a few gifts we received: 1. The equipping of marketplace leaders is a critical kingdom strategy for the 21st century. The real fruit of our work in the church, I believe, is how our people serve Christ at work, school, and in their communities. My vision was stretched in profound ways on this trip. Edward Ong, builder of the Sutera Hotel and Resort in Sabah, has 2000 employees. He initiates business in response to the voice of God, hires intercessors to pray for his guests and staff, and models integrity.  Take a look at this trailer: 2. The growth of the church in Asia is a powerful, rising tide. I have read, for years, how the growth of the church globally is. Read more.