Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Category Archives: Global EHS

I Cancelled the Leadership Conference

Dear Leader, I cancelled the EH Leadership Conference which we had held for the last 12 years. Why? I decided to get rid of something good to make room for the best. That best is to train leaders like you to be champions in your church/ministry so your people will be deeply changed by Jesus for the sake of the world. The crisis of shallow discipleship facing the global church is real. With the release of The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Courses, we can now offer a clear, serious strategy that will lead people into a deeper discipleship with Jesus and change churches. On April 25-26, 2018 we will host The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit – a high-level training conference for Church Point leaders and their teams who are leading, or will lead, The EH Discipleship Courses in their churches. But this Summit is not for everyone. There are prerequisites to be completed first: Review. Read more.

Church History Matters to Your Leadership – EH Leader Podcast

Can we make biblical, deeply changed disciples of Jesus without learning from the successes and failures of our church family over the last 2,000 years – and from the global church today? The answer to both those questions, I believe, is no. Unfortunately, many of us have a limited, often mistaken understanding of how the church unfolded since the book of Acts. This lack of historical memory has done great damage to our approach to discipleship as well as our leadership. This podcast traces the history of Christianity, looking at the two great splits (in 1054 and 1517 A.D.) and how this has impacted us in evangelicalism today. I conclude with two simple, but profound, applications: 1. Be a humble learner. We have so much to learn from our brothers and sisters who have gone before us, especially those who are very different than us. We also have so much to learn from the. Read more.

Why Church History Matters for Discipleship Today

I love our evangelical stream in Christian history and would not be here writing or leading without it. Yet our emphasis on activity, now joined by the speed of change around us, has resulted in Christ-followers and churches without much depth. We need to learn about slowing down for loving union with Christ in a way that is powerful enough to transform us – and the people we serve. This requires we travel into different territory outside our tradition as evangelicals/Protestants and learn from church history and other Christians very different than ourselves. Let me invite you to download this free e-book on why church history matters for a discipleship that deeply changes lives in our churches today. It represents the fruit of over twenty years of study and thought. And I pray that the powerful truths on these pages will profoundly change your life and leadership as they have changed mine. Warmly, Pete. Read more.

The Biggest Announcement in Our 21-Year History

The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Leader’s Kit Biblical – Historic – Transformative – Experiential – Practical – Missional Get trained to lead the Courses. FREE with your Leader’s Kit purchase. Dear Friends of EHS, I am thrilled to share with you the most significant release in our 21-year history of bringing Emotionally Healthy Spirituality to the church around the world – The EH Discipleship Courses Leader’s Kit. It is a revolutionary answer to the massive problem of superficial discipleship in our churches. BIBLICAL   Grounding people deeply in Scripture HISTORIC   Exposing people to the riches and history of the global church TRANSFORMATIVE   Deeply changing people and churches EXPERIENTIAL   Going beyond simply reading truth to actually doing it PRACTICAL   Teaching proven skills for emotionally mature relationships MISSIONAL   Making mature disciples who make disciples To bring these Courses to your church requires training. For this reason, we have created a high-quality, live. Read more.

2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit

Be inspired. Be equipped. Be networked. April 25-26, 2018 Geri and I, along with the EHS Team are excited to invite you to our 2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit! The Emotionally Healthy Courses continue to spread rapidly as a movement, reaching into more than 30 countries and now being taught in almost 300 churches in North America. And this is before the courses are released as The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Courses Leader’s Kit on Oct 28th! Our vision is to carefully invest in the quality of the EH Discipleship Courses being done in churches around the world.  So, if you are doing the EH Discipleship Courses, or are seriously considering doing them, join us! The Summit’s Purpose: Be inspired by what God is doing Be equipped with the best learnings and practices to lead a high-quality course Be networked with like-minded leaders and churches from around the world The Summit’s Delegates: Pastors, Discipleship/Spiritual Formation. Read more.

10 Lessons of God Moving in Church History

I have been an avid reader and lover of history since college. And I have learned a lot from Scott Sunquist, a close friend for the past 34 years since our days in seminary together. Scott went on to get his PhD in Asian Church history and missiology, and is now a Professor of World Christianity and a Dean at Fuller Theological Seminary. I recently sat down with him around the question: What are lessons we need to learn today on how the Holy Spirit has expanded God’s kingdom these last 2,000 years? Here are a few of his insights: Look for the life of Jesus on the margins. From Jesus and the 12 in Galilee, to the surprising growth of Christianity among slaves in North America and the Caribbean, to the church explosion among farmers in northern Korea in the early 20th century, to the launch of the Pentecostal movement at Azusa Street. Read more.