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Category Archives: Leadership

How Might Jesus Have us Engage Social Media? – EH Leader Podcast

This is the last in a series of 3 podcasts we are sharing while Pete is on vacation/sabbatical. We hope that these podcasts have been an encouragement in your leadership journey. Blessings! Social media has become perhaps the largest universal communication platform for sharing new information, ideas, current events, and discussion. Sadly, it has also become a forum for unhealthy conflict. Pete shares his thoughts, based upon the Sermon on the Mount, on how Jesus might have us engage in social media. Listen and ponder how Jesus might be asking you to engage in your social media circle. – The EHS Team on behalf of Pete Scazzero PS – The soon to be released Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course offers practical skills to empower people to love and relate to one another in a way that builds community. You’ll want to consider attending Pete’s training session on how to bring this powerful course to your. Read more.

5 Core Issues for Leading Millennials – EH Leader Podcast

During Pete’s vacation/sabbatical this month, we are sharing a series of new podcasts as an alternative to Pete’s weekly blog. This is the second podcast in the series of three. Hope you enjoy listening! Millennials have become the largest segment of the U.S. population and have increasingly become the dominant culture in many of our churches. Pete shares some of the critical issues church leaders must address to make mature disciples of the Millennial generation, build sustainable communities, and reach the world effectively. – The EHS Team on behalf of Pete Scazzero PS – The soon to be released Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course offers practical skills to empower people to love and relate to one another in a way that builds community. You’ll want to consider attending Pete’s training session on how to bring this powerful course to your church. Empower Your Church to Really Love Others in Difficult Situations. Join Us from Anywhere. Read more.

10 Leadership Lessons From My Years at New Life Fellowship – EH Leader Podcast

Pete signed off from social media last Thursday, August 3rd as he exited the EHS offices to enjoy a restful vacation/sabbatical. Over the next 3 weeks while Pete is away, we’ll be sharing 3 new podcasts that we recorded before he left. Enjoy! Drawn from a New Life Fellowship Church strategic planning day over 7 years ago, in this podcast Pete shares 10 insightful leadership lessons he and the staff team identified during their planning meeting discussions. These lessons remain relevant to church leadership today. What might you add? – The EHS team on behalf of Pete   Empower Your Church to Really Love Others in Difficult Situations. Join Us for this Training Event from Anywhere!

5 Keys to Building a Healthy Team – EHS Leadership Podcast

Building healthy teams is one of the primary tasks for every leader, whether that leader is a lead pastor, a para-church ministry department head, a nonprofit or marketplace executive, a church board member, or a small group leader. In this podcast I summarize 30-plus years’ experience of building teams into 5 key points: A Healthy You A Clear Vision Time and Thoughtfulness The Acknowledgement and Confronting of Elephants; and Mature Supervision The nuances and specific suggestions are what makes this podcast so different from other material I have written on the subject (e.g. “Culture and Team Building” chapter in The Emotionally Healthy Leader book). I pray God uses this to challenge and equip you with fresh perspective in the great work of team building. Listen at the button below. Enjoy! Warmly, Pete FREE Webinar, Thursday, August 3rd @ 2 PM EST. Register Today!

My Top 10 Books: Spring/Summer 2017

I love listing my top 10 books every six months for two reasons. First, it gives me an opportunity to reflect more deeply on how God might be speaking to me through what I have been reading. And secondly, I believe good books can serve as midwives to new ideas, fresh perspectives, and even the voice of God to us. So here are my top 10 books from the last six months that you may want to consider adding to your reading list this summer: 1. The New Lifetime Reading Plan: The Classic Guide to World Literature, Revised and Expanded – Clifton Fadiman and John S. Major This book, now in its fourth edition, sits on a table in our living room. I love picking it up and reading sections on different authors and their books. From Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, to George Orwell, to Dostoyevsky, to William Blake, to Pascal, to Augustine, to Plato, to. Read more.

Jesus and the Political Divide

Our role as leaders of Jesus’ sheep involves giving people direction, even in the arena of politics. The question, in these tumultuous times, is how? The issues are vast and complex (e.g. gay marriage, refugees and immigration, abortion, national security, economic policy, gender, capital punishment, welfare reform). The divide between people both inside and outside the church is wide and deep. Let me recommend the application of two biblical truths to help ground the shepherding of your people. These texts have also served me when I have been tempted to speak and act in inappropriate ways. Love and pray for your enemies. But I tell you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you that you may be children of your Father in heaven (Matt. 5:44). Jesus commands us to love our doctrinal, political, national, religious, and personal enemies. Our God is the greatest enemy-lover of all time (Romans 5:10). And the. Read more.