Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Category Archives: Pathway to Church Transformation

Only the Slow Will Reach the World

Instead of highlighting The Fastest Growing Churches, I recommend we highlight The Slowest Churches, i.e. those that help us most to slow down and pay attention to God, ourselves, and others. When our churches continually remind our people that “only one thing is needful,” we strategically position them to be a gift to the world (Luke 10:42). Here are 5 reasons why I believe this is true: Going slow makes possible… The doing of God’s best plans. I love the story, told in Wayne Mueller’s Sabbath, of a USA international agency in the 1990’s and their frenzied plan to address needs of a famine in equatorial Africa. In failing to be quiet, listen to the people, and study the soil, they developed a short-term solution that actually worsened the problem in the long term. We too are dangerous when we move at high speed. The receiving of Scripture in our hearts. According to Jesus,. Read more.

The Biggest Announcement in Our 21-Year History

The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Leader’s Kit Biblical – Historic – Transformative – Experiential – Practical – Missional Get trained to lead the Courses. FREE with your Leader’s Kit purchase. Dear Friends of EHS, I am thrilled to share with you the most significant release in our 21-year history of bringing Emotionally Healthy Spirituality to the church around the world – The EH Discipleship Courses Leader’s Kit. It is a revolutionary answer to the massive problem of superficial discipleship in our churches. BIBLICAL   Grounding people deeply in Scripture HISTORIC   Exposing people to the riches and history of the global church TRANSFORMATIVE   Deeply changing people and churches EXPERIENTIAL   Going beyond simply reading truth to actually doing it PRACTICAL   Teaching proven skills for emotionally mature relationships MISSIONAL   Making mature disciples who make disciples To bring these Courses to your church requires training. For this reason, we have created a high-quality, live. Read more.

2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit

Be inspired. Be equipped. Be networked. April 25-26, 2018 Geri and I, along with the EHS Team are excited to invite you to our 2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit! The Emotionally Healthy Courses continue to spread rapidly as a movement, reaching into more than 30 countries and now being taught in almost 300 churches in North America. And this is before the courses are released as The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Courses Leader’s Kit on Oct 28th! Our vision is to carefully invest in the quality of the EH Discipleship Courses being done in churches around the world.  So, if you are doing the EH Discipleship Courses, or are seriously considering doing them, join us! The Summit’s Purpose: Be inspired by what God is doing Be equipped with the best learnings and practices to lead a high-quality course Be networked with like-minded leaders and churches from around the world The Summit’s Delegates: Pastors, Discipleship/Spiritual Formation. Read more.

10 Short Cuts Leaders/Pastors Need to Avoid

For several weeks, I have been crafting a list of the most common shortcuts we take as leaders. (This growing list now stands at 24!) I realized, finally, that our lists will vary, depending on our particular vulnerabilities and shadows. So I decided to list the top ten shortcuts that I have struggled with over the years. In each of these I have discovered J.R.R. Tolkien’s words to be very true: “Shortcuts make long delays.” Not leading myself first. To clarify our goals and values in the midst of the innumerable demands and pressures around us is a great challenge. The easier route is to get busy, running around and checking off our to-do lists. I’ve discovered it takes a lot of time to get clear within myself on how God intends that I steward my gifts, time, energy, and limits. Rushing. Rushing is an oil light in a car dashboard indicating something is. Read more.

10 Leadership Lessons From My Years at New Life Fellowship – EH Leader Podcast

Pete signed off from social media last Thursday, August 3rd as he exited the EHS offices to enjoy a restful vacation/sabbatical. Over the next 3 weeks while Pete is away, we’ll be sharing 3 new podcasts that we recorded before he left. Enjoy! Drawn from a New Life Fellowship Church strategic planning day over 7 years ago, in this podcast Pete shares 10 insightful leadership lessons he and the staff team identified during their planning meeting discussions. These lessons remain relevant to church leadership today. What might you add? – The EHS team on behalf of Pete   Empower Your Church to Really Love Others in Difficult Situations. Join Us for this Training Event from Anywhere!

5 Keys to Building a Healthy Team – EHS Leadership Podcast

Building healthy teams is one of the primary tasks for every leader, whether that leader is a lead pastor, a para-church ministry department head, a nonprofit or marketplace executive, a church board member, or a small group leader. In this podcast I summarize 30-plus years’ experience of building teams into 5 key points: A Healthy You A Clear Vision Time and Thoughtfulness The Acknowledgement and Confronting of Elephants; and Mature Supervision The nuances and specific suggestions are what makes this podcast so different from other material I have written on the subject (e.g. “Culture and Team Building” chapter in The Emotionally Healthy Leader book). I pray God uses this to challenge and equip you with fresh perspective in the great work of team building. Listen at the button below. Enjoy! Warmly, Pete FREE Webinar, Thursday, August 3rd @ 2 PM EST. Register Today!