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Category Archives: Podcasts

6 Radical Invitations from God for our Polarized, Politicized World: Part 2

We are in a political season like one we’ve never seen. Pastors and leaders feel the weight of responsibility to shepherd their churches through the intensity of this polarized moment. Not only this, but many people in our churches expect us to represent their political perspective from the pulpit. It doesn’t help that everyone feels like THEY are the ones hearing from God! In last week’s podcast, I explored how our overly-politicized climate is not different from when Jesus walked the earth. Today, I continue the conversation by offering the next two radical invitations from Scripture that will help leaders navigate this moment with health, wisdom, and maturity. If you need some anchor points to weather this political storm, then listen to today’s podcast.

6 Radical Invitations from God for our Polarized, Politicized World: Part 1

We are in a political season like one we’ve never seen. Pastors and leaders feel the weight of responsibility as it relates to shepherding their churches through the intensity of this polarized moment. Not only this, but many in our churches expect us to represent their political perspective from the pulpit. It doesn’t help that everyone feels like THEY are the ones hearing from God! In the first episode of this three-part series, I explore how our overly-politicized climate is not different from when Jesus walked the earth. Then I begin to offer six radical invitations from Scripture that will help leaders navigate this moment with health, wisdom, and maturity. If you need some anchor points to weather this political storm, then listen to today’s podcast.

Rest. God Is At Work

What should you do when you feel pressure from all sides? For some, the temptation is to avoid, dismiss, and check out from anything that makes us feel uncomfortable. For others, the pressure makes us feel the need to hustle, solve problems, and work ourselves into the ground. But what is God’s solution for leaders in this moment? Rest. Following up on last week’s podcast called “Relax. It’s going to be ok.”, I continue the theme by entering into God’s invitation for us found in Psalm 23. But how do we rest in a time like this? Listen along to find out.

Relax. It’s Going to Be Ok

Have you noticed that everyone is a little on edge? (This may be the understatement of the year!) Pastors and leaders are not exempt. Every day, leaders are looking for a reprieve from the cascading crises all around us – recession, politics, racism, and the ongoing pandemic. We know that stress and anxiety aren’t better options, but what else are we supposed to do? This why Jesus us call to relax. If that seems elementary or insensitive, then listen along to today’s episode where Pete explores why relaxing into Christ is really our best option in a moment like this.

Staying at Your Post When Everyone is Leaving

Do you ever catch yourself daydreaming about living a different life? When the pandemic began, most of us had the foresight to know things would not go back to normal for a few months. But here we are, six months later, and our lives are still only shreds of what they were before. Collectively, this has taken a toll on everyone, not to mention, pastor and leaders. It’s easy to look at our churches and get the sense that everyone is leaving. Over time, this breeds discouragement and might even lead us to question our own staying power. In today’s podcast, I share with you a message from the book of Revelation that has grounded me for years – especially in times of uncertainty. If you are a pastor or leader and currently weighing your career options (maybe even thinking about jumping ship), then this episode is for you.

Moving Toward The Burning Bush

Do you ever daydream about living someone else’s life? In times of sustained pressure (like the one we are in), it’s easy to wish things were different. It was the same for Moses. When God called Moses to liberate the people of Israel, there were many obstacles before him. He was a murderer. He was too old. He was alone. It had been 400 years since Israel had been taken into captivity. Who was he to get the job done? But when God appeared to him in the burning bush, Moses moved toward the bush, not away from it. In today’s episode, we dive into the story of Moses and explore the excuses that could have kept him from responding to God’s call on His life. If you are a pastor or leader wishing your circumstances were different than what they are, this episode is for you.