LeaderSHIFT: 8 Pivotal Breakthroughs of Emotionally Healthy Leaders

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Category Archives: Podcasts

3 Counterfeits of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Recently we crossed an unbelievable threshold with the Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast with over 10 million lifetime podcast downloads. I couldn’t be more surprised, humbled, and thankful for this milestone moment. I say “surprised” because back in 1996, when we first started, the term “emotional health” was considered heretical in much of the church! Now 25 years later, we can see that the cultural landscape has changed dramatically. Not only is emotional health received, but in many ways, it is now considered a promotional buzzword. This is both a step forward AND presents a new challenge… While many leaders are doing the hard work of living and leading from true emotional and spiritual health, there are also many who use the right language but have settled for a surface-level version of the real thing. In today’s podcast, I share my observations of what I consider 3 counterfeit versions of emotional health that we settle for, but then. Read more.

What Would I Say to My 25, 35, 45-Year-Old Self? 

I was recently asked by someone… “Pete, if you could go back and give yourself advice in the different seasons of life and ministry, what would you say?” The truth is – every decade has its own unique invitations. As I reflected, I realized that I would say something slightly different to myself at 25, 35, 45, and even 55. Today on the podcast, I share with you some fresh insights as I look back on my own journey and development. While my journey is different than yours, I’m hoping you’ll be able to learn from my lessons – both the good and the bad!

Why Skimming Over Your Losses Kills Discipleship

Many of us have come to believe that the Christian life is synonymous with constant happiness. We think we’re on the right track if the trajectory of our lives is “up and to the right” – always improving, always leveling up. But this way of thinking leaves little room for grief and sadness. When we experience real loss, we see it as an abnormal alien invasion, not as a divine invitation. And yet, Jesus shows us that to welcome and hold sorrow before God is central to our leadership and discipleship. In today’s podcast episode, I share the importance of finding the treasure buried in grief and loss, and how we can train other leaders to do the same. I encourage you to watch our full training video online in our Leader’s Training Vault. It’s completely free and only takes one minute to register. For now, you can listen to today’s episode here… ​​

The Most Powerful Gift Leaders Can Give

I was 19 when I came to Christ and started my training as a Christian leader. As a young leader, I was taught many valuable things. But nobody told me about the most powerful gift leaders can bring to those they lead. In my education, I learned how to… read Scripture preach and teach lead communities hear God’s voice develop my spiritual gifts expand the kingdom Each of these gifts and skills are valuable. But I’ve learned (through my own failures) that the greatest gift leaders can actually give is becoming an “incarnational presence” – being DEEPLY PRESENT with people like Jesus. In today’s podcast episode, we look at the norm for most churches and leaders, but then we’ll explore the beauty of what can happen in our church cultures when we learn to lead in this way. I encourage you to watch our full training video online in our Leader’s Training Vault. It’s completely free and. Read more.

Coaching the Genogram: A Powerful Tool to Deeply Form Leaders

As a pastor or leader your primary role is to develop and disciple others. More than simply “getting things done”, we are called to prioritize the growth and maturity of the people and leaders around us. We do this by learning particular skills and tools with which we can coach our leaders, our team, and those in our ministry. One game-changing tool that I use to coach others is called the “Genogram”. The genogram is a powerful visual map to document the history and dynamics of our family relationships and their impact on us, over three to four generations. The reality is – if we don’t understand how we have been shaped by our families of origin, we carry vulnerabilities and blind spots with us into our work and leadership. Conversely, when we become aware of these things, it catalyzes discipleship at a whole new level. In today’s episode, I share the 6 stages. Read more.

Coaching the Genogram: A Powerful Tool to Deeply Form Leaders

As a pastor or leader your primary role is to develop and disciple others. More than simply “getting things done”, we are called to prioritize the growth and maturity of the people and leaders around us. We do this by learning particular skills and tools with which we can coach our leaders, our team, and those in our ministry. One game-changing tool that I use to coach others is called the “Genogram”. The genogram is a powerful visual map to document the history and dynamics of our family relationships and their impact on us, over three to four generations. The reality is – if we don’t understand how we have been shaped by our families of origin, we carry vulnerabilities and blind spots with us into our work and leadership. Conversely, when we become aware of these things, it catalyzes discipleship at a whole new level. In today’s episode, I share the 6 stages. Read more.