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Category Archives: Rule of Life

Power and Wise Boundaries

The most painful lessons I’ve learned in thirty-five years of Christian leadership have involved the exercise of power and having wise boundaries. The minefields surrounding the use of power are rarely acknowledged, much less openly discussed, in Christian circles. How do I handle dual relationships (e.g. when I am both pastor, friend and employer)? What are the boundaries I need to set with people whom I serve? How do I respond when inappropriate people, at inappropriate times, exert power? These are only a few of the many issues around this critically important topic.  In fact this was the impetus for me to write The Emotionally Healthy Leader. Take some time with the chart below.  It will give a quick overview of the core issues around applying EHS to power and wise boundaries.PS  Send me your comments and thoughts on Twitter @petescazzero.

EH Leader Podcast: Embracing Silence

I seriously embraced the spiritual practice of silence 13 years ago, and my relationship with Jesus began to deepen and widen in ways that I never could have imagined. This podcast is our invitation to you to seriously consider deepening your practice of being still before Him (Ps. 37:7). For as Isaac of Nineveh (7th century) said so eloquently:  If you love truth, be a lover of silence.  It brings you a fruit that tongues cannot describe.  In the beginning we have to force ourselves to be silent. But then, a certain sweetness is born in the heart and the body is drawn almost by force to remain in silence.  Click the video below to watch or the link to listen to the audio file. LISTEN HERE  

The EHS Course – One Answer to the Crisis of Discipleship

A few weeks ago, I posted a blog on the crisis of discipleship in our churches…   …based on the recent Barna Report on The State of Discipleship. It discovered, for example, that only 1% of church leaders believe “today’s churches are doing very well at discipling new and young believers.” Moreover, participation in discipleship activities in our churches is as low as 20%! We currently emphasize numbers, and keeping people connected/active. The problem is that, not only is this not changing their lives, but is resulting in minimal missional impact. A transformation discipleship model, however, is quite different. It gets beneath the surface in people’s lives, but results in a greater, long-term impact in the world. Their lives become so filled with Jesus that it cannot help but overflow to others. The EHS Course is the fruit of 20 years of wrestling with the problem of superficial discipleship.  We have seen its power. Read more.

EH Leader Podcast: Endings and New Beginnings

Every new year marks an ending and a new beginning. In fact, embracing endings in order to receive new beginnings is one of the fundamental tasks of the spiritual life–and this is especially true for Christian leaders. Join Pete Scazzero and Rich Villodas in this month’s EH Leader Podcast as they look deeper into this central leadership theme. Click the video below to watch or the link to listen to the audio file. LISTEN HERE  

The Twelve Days of an EHS Christmas

The song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is an English Christmas carol. From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone then wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It had two levels of meaning: first, the surface meaning of being a fun song and secondly, a hidden meaning known only to members of the Church. The “True Love” in the song, for example, is not a smitten boy or girlfriend but Jesus, because truly Love was born on Christmas Day. Geri wrote this for our small group that meets in our home for greater integration of EHS in their own lives. I hope you enjoy it. On the First Day of EHS…My True Love Sent to Me One Gift to Explore My Iceberg Journal or share with a trusted companion today: What are you mad about? What are you sad about? What. Read more.

An Invitation from Pete Scazzero

We are so excited for this year’s EH Leadership Conference (along with the one day Pre-Conference –The Leader’s Marriage April 19, 2016). This is our premier training event, offering a broad, yet deep, taste of EHS as it has developed at New Life Fellowship over a 20-year period. We had a significant year of new learnings in how EHS answers the great problem confronting the church–people’s lives are not being deeply transformed in our churches. Because of our commitment to high quality training, we limit the Main Conference to 350 participants and the Pre-Conference to 120 people (60 couples). We believe God may have you among that group. Pray and ask for His direction about this coming April. Super Early Bird Registration rates end November 30th.  Register HERE.