Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Radical Approach to Planning for the New Year

Does the end of the year feel like a complete whirlwind? For most pastors and leaders Christmas activities dominate the month of December and then we only get a week’s break before launching into a new year! In January, pastors face the difficult task of vision-casting, goal-setting, and steering the direction of the church for the next 12 months. Too often, our planning is driven by: Expectations from others (i.e. board, supervisors, people we serve) Internal pressure to be a great leader or to create momentum. The “shoulds” of everything that feels important. (i.e. “We should be doing more of this…”) All of these things can feel like a tremendous weight, under which many pastors buckle over time. But planning doesn’t have to feel this way. In today’s episode, I want to show you a radical new approach to planning. I’ll show you how I plan for the season ahead in a way that produces joy,. Read more.

Why Leaders Need More than a “Quiet Time” Pt. 2

Does the way you spend time with Jesus actually transform your life? Back in June, I released the first part of today’s topic, making a case that leaders must dramatically change the way we approach our devotional life with Jesus. Many evangelicals start their day with a “quiet time”. However, most leaders would agree that this practice does very little to sustain us amidst the mounting pressures and challenges of our day. In today’s podcast, I recommend a new way forward. I’ll share with you four keys that will breathe life back into your devotions.

John the Baptist: The Unlikely Emotionally Healthy Leader – EH Leader Podcast

Imagine making your personal list of the top 10 most emotionally healthy leaders found in the Bible. Would John the Baptist make the list as a strong leadership role model? Possibly not. Taken from the opening sermon of the 2017 Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference, Pete looks at three aspects that make John the Baptist an extraordinary model of leadership. He knew himself and he knew God. John the Baptist was very aware of who he was and was not influenced by what others thought of him. He was free from impressing people but was completely attuned to what God’s mission was for him. He was deeply aware of issues surrounding him. John the Baptist realized there was a cultural crisis of shallow spirituality in which people kept the rules but did not have a vibrant relationship with the Father. He knew his limits. John the Baptist realized that his job was not to change. Read more.

The Most Important Question for Every Leader – EH Leader Podcast

Following Jesus is not first doing things for Jesus; it is first listening to him speak, and then doing what he says. Peter, James and John were the cream of Jesus’ leadership team. Yet when Jesus was transfigured before them, Peter was unable to resist making plans to maximize this exciting new open door. Fortunately, a voice from heaven shut him up, commanding him to listen to Jesus (Matthew 17:5)! It is easy to lead FOR God without listening TO him. The word listen or hear is found more than 1500 times in the Bible. That is why the most important question every one of us must ask throughout our days is: “God, how are you coming to me, what might you want to say?” In this podcast, I give specific examples of how I regularly apply this question to different areas of my life and discernment process. I apply it to: How I. Read more.

Loving Your Enemies as “Saint-Makers” – EH Leader Podcast

Who is your “enemy” today? I’m referring to someone who drives you crazy, who irritates you, a person you resent because they’ve hurt you or betrayed you. This is, undoubtedly, one of the largest challenges for each of us A number of years ago, while on a Trappist monastery retreat, the Prior shared a profound insight about enemies as “saint-makers,” and that, whenever we live in community, God sends them to us as a gift. Why? So that we mature into the likeness of Jesus. In this podcast I talk about a number of powerful truths around Jesus’ command: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you… If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? (Matthew 5:43,46). For example, you will learn why: Few things are more important than learning not to judge, or despise, others. Our enemies are not an interruption to our spiritual life with God,. Read more.

Climb the Ladder of Integrity – EH Leader Podcast

If you will master The Ladder of Integrity, the theme of this podcast, you will live more freely and joyfully as a leader. You will waste a lot less energy living in reaction to the expectations, demands and agendas of others so that you can invest your energy in what God has given you to do. When helping a pastor/leader who is struggling with an inner conflict, I often ask, “What is your integrity calling you to do?” Most hesitate before responding because they have rarely thought deeply about what they believe and value. They have seldom considered the dissonance between their outer and inner life, between their actions and their values. Twenty-one years ago, Geri and I began developing practical skills to help us (and others) live with greater integrity and clarity amidst the complexities of church leadership. These became the core of we call today The Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course. One tool,. Read more.