Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Church Culture Revolution: Part 4 – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on March 26th, 2019

In this week’s podcast, I expand on the fourth quality of a church culture that deeply changes lives: healthy community:

  • Slowed-Down Spirituality
  • Integrity in Leadership
  • Beneath-the-Surface Discipleship
  • Healthy Community
  • Passionate Marriage and Singleness
  • Every Person in Full-Time Ministry

In a church culture that changes lives, people recognize that there is a disconnect when those who claim to love Jesus are experienced by others as defensive, judgmental, unapproachable, and unsafe. Leaders prayerfully and thoughtfully model how to do relationships differently in the new family of Jesus. In this podcast, I offer six insights to building a healthy, transformative community:

  1. Be careful to serve and develop your people, and not use them.
  2. Be diligent to confront the elephants in the room.
  3. Be intentional to teach new skills.
  4. Be vigilant of how power is exercised.
  5. Be mindful of the weaker, more vulnerable.
  6. Be aware that you will experience betrayal and pain.

Once again, let me invite you to download our free e-book upon which this podcast is based: Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision that Deeply Changes Lives. Each characteristic is summarized on those pages. After the description of each characteristic, you will also find a quick assessment tool and then questions for personal reflection and team discussion.

Enjoy the podcast!

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Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision That Deeply Changes Lives