Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Part 3: Dealing with Elephants in the Room- An EH Leader Podcast

Posted on April 4th, 2017

Few things highlight our unresolved immaturities than the size and number of elephants in the room among those we lead (i.e. those inappropriate behaviors that remain unacknowledged). For this reason, God so often uses them as gifts to grow us out of our childishness into becoming godly, adult (telios) leaders.

That is why we must become experts at dealing with elephants in the room. In Part 1, I explored the roots of why this is so pervasive in our lives. In Part 2, I explored five elements on how to deal with elephants. And now, in this podcast, I summarize and expand on this multilayered reality that each of us faces as we lead for Christ. Enjoy!


Once again, let me invite you to our Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference on May 3-4. This unique equipping experience will equip you with the essential inner and outer life skills needed to create a truly healthy culture able to authentically proclaim Christ to the world.

SPACE IS LIMITED. REGISTER TODAY! Live streaming is also available for those of you unable to come for the “in-room” experience.

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Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision That Deeply Changes Lives