Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Doing as an Expression of Being (Pilgrimage Reflection #8)

Posted on August 7th, 2013

He who returns from a journey is not the same as he who left” Chinese proverb. Geri and I now depart with respect (for our partners The Willow Creek Association New Zealand and Australia, and Eagles Communications in Singapore, along with New Life Fellowship Church out of which EHS flows), with affection (for the many wonderful people we have met), and with gratitude (for the people who worked hard to serve EHS in this part of the world). I think we are finally getting it that EHS offers a powerful message of deep, beneath-the-surface spiritual formation that resonates around the world, and not simply in New York City. At the same time, a consistent thread weaved itself through this trip – our doing must flow from our being. In other words, live the message we preach, giving out of the overflow of a full cup. What does that look like when we are traveling?

  • Slow down. Less is better.
  • Make space for Sabbath.
  • Take a day alone with God as we do at New Life Fellowship.
  • Take ample time for pleasure and beauty.
  • Maintain the rhythm of working only 2/3 of a day.
  • Invest in our marriage. We are each other’s first neighbors.
  • Be very diligent in stewarding our energy and time.
  • Receive the gift of limits.

Jesus’ first temptation was to make his being dependent on his doing. After a heavenly voice affirmed, “You are my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased,” the devil tempted Jesus to proved his identity by doing something that was not for him to do (getting him to turn stones into bread). This has been a steep learning curve for me the last 17 years, especially as NLF grew in size and influence.  As we carry the message of emotionally healthy spirituality globally, I am very aware about that God has new and deeper learnings for me/us around what it means to do for Him as an expression of our being in Him! For a free sermon on the gift of limits, click here.

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