Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Don’t Trade Your Inner Life for the Illusion of Momentum

Posted on October 4th, 2022

Today, very few church leaders feel like they are winning.

We look at our churches compared to what they used to be or what we’d like them to be, and it’s hard to feel like we’re making a real difference.

So we’re faced with a difficult temptation…

Do we use our best energy to chase the perception of momentum? Or do we pursue heaven’s perspective and seek to live with integrity from the inside out?

In the book of Revelation, we get a snapshot of the condition of 7 first-century churches. Through John’s revelation, Jesus addresses each church uniquely. They were different in the challenges they faced, but here’s what was common. They each had a limited perception of reality and desperately they needed the Light of heaven to illuminate truth in a fresh way.

In the same way, we all need to see things from Jesus’ perspective. When we do, we’ll be free to live and lead with complete integrity in every part of life.

In today’s podcast, I want to encourage you as a pastor or church leader. Jesus is King and He is ruling over the whole world – including your church!

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