Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Is the EH Discipleship Summit Right for You?

Posted on March 8th, 2018

Dear Leader,

You are probably wondering whether the 2018 Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Summit is right for you, your team and your church. You may be wondering if it makes sense to set aside the time and resources to attend.

Click the image below to find out why the EH Discipleship Summit is right for you.

There’s still time to complete the prerequisites and join us:

  • You complete a review of the content of The EH Spirituality Course and The EH Relationships Course
  • Your ministry has done The EH Spirituality or The EH Relationships Course or plans to do them in in the next year
  • You attend a Live Stream Training Event on how to lead the Courses

Take these 3 steps to complete the prerequisites:

  1. Buy the EH Discipleship Course Leaders Kit
  2. Go through the Leaders Kit content on your own or with someone
  3. Attend a Training Event or Download the Training on Demand

You are committed to bringing your people deeper in their relationships, with God and others. Geri and I are committed to equipping you with what we’ve learned over the past 22 years on how to do just that.

Early Bird Registration is available through March 13. Looking forward to seeing you in April.

– Pete

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