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EHL Conference 2014 and The Emotionally Healthy Leader

Posted on February 24th, 2014

This year’s Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference will be different this May for a number of reasons. First, I’ve been intensely writing my new learnings since 2007 in a new book called The Emotionally Healthy Leader that will be released in early 2015.  I have narrowed it down to four critical areas that must be established (i.e. our inner life) if we are going to lead our churches well (i.e. our outer life). These reflections, tested over the past seven years, will inform our conference.  The outline is as follows:

Your Inner Life
Chapter 2    Face Your Shadow
Chapter 3    Lead out of Your Marriage or Singleness
Chapter 4    Slow Down for Loving Union
Chapter 5    Practice Sabbath Delight

Your Outer Life
Chapter 5     Planning and Decision Making
Chapter 6     Culture and Team Building
Chapter 7     Community and Dual Relationships
Chapter 8.    Endings and New Beginnings (A Case Study of Succession)

Secondly, God has led Geri and I into other new content around leading out of your marriage and singleness which will also bear on this year’s 2014 EHL Conference.

Thirdly, the EHS consultant certification training from this past year has taught us a great deal as over 40 men and women are now bringing EHS into their networks, movements, and denominations.

And finallyBrian Doerksen, a well-known worship leader has been pioneering the integration of EHS theology and practice to worship. He will be joining us for the conference, offering an Emotionally Healthy Songwriting Workshop and leading worship on one of the days. Here’s a special invitation from Brian:

I look forward to learning from Brian this year and seeing how God is going to impact the worship world through EHS in the years to come. And I look forward to the continuing unfolding of EHS as we gather together for our annual conference at New Life in Queens.

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