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The EHS Courses: Discipleship that Deeply Changes Lives

Posted on June 1st, 2016

While EHS does not provide everything our churches need to “make disciples…teaching them to obey” everything Jesus has commanded us (Matt. 28:18-20), it does offer the missing components in most of our contemporary discipleship efforts. The EH Spirituality Course and the EH Relationships Course, in particular, introduce our people, and our churches, to a deep, beneath the surface spirituality. This transforms the rest of our discipleship activities, becoming a lens through which all spiritual formation is done and understood.

At New Life Fellowship Church our discipleship strategy looks something like this:

EHS Courses Discipleship Strategyv2

The topics in each of the EHS Courses have been carefully chosen over a 20-year period to introduce people to this transformational discipleship paradigm. They free people through the integration of emotional health and spiritual maturity, a slowed down spirituality, and eight powerful relational skills.

EHS Columns v5
Notice the foundation of all discipleship is learning to be with Jesus, i.e. to abide/remain in Him. For this reason the core of the EHS Courses is the Daily Office, helping people cultivate a rhythm of stopping to be with Jesus so they can practice His presence all through the day.

To get started, let me invite you to join us next Thursday, on June 9, from 9:00 am–3:00 pm EST for a live one-day event on How to Lead the EHS Course. My goal is to equip Point Leaders to bring the EHS Course into their church. Join us at New Life Fellowship in New York City or via Live Stream.


– Pete
Twitter @petescazzero

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Church Culture Revolution: A 6-Part Vision That Deeply Changes Lives