Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Emotionally Healthy Hiring (Paid or Volunteer) Pt. 1

Posted on October 18th, 2022

Churches around the world are rebuilding in a post-pandemic world. Leaders are assembling new teams and desperately trying to fill vacant positions.

The temptation to cut corners in your hiring process (paid or volunteer) is ENORMOUS. When you feel the pressure to onboard a new worship leader or children’s pastor in order to keep “the wheels on the bus”, it’s easy to make poor hiring decisions.

In my experience, hiring staff and leaders is one of the most difficult tasks of church leadership. I’ve made plenty of mistakes (some disastrous). The truth is – one bad hire can sabotage the culture you are building in your church. And the right person, hired at the right time, can breathe new life into everything you are doing.

In today’s podcast, I share 7 out of 13 principles that MUST be considered before your next hire. On the following podcast, I will release part two of this series with the remaining principles.

Listen to the first 7 principles now…

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