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Endings and New Beginnings – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on August 6th, 2019

In this final podcast on The Emotionally Healthy Leader, I respond to the questions:Why are endings and new beginnings, i.e. transitions. so often handled poorly in our ministries, organizations, and teams? Why do we often miss God’s new beginnings, the new work he is doing? The answer is multilayered, yet it revolves around the application of one central biblical truth — death is a necessary prelude to resurrection.

To bear long-term fruit for Christ, we need to recognize that some things must die so something new can grow. If we do not embrace this reality, we will dread endings in the same way our wider culture does, as signs of failure rather than as opportunities for God to do something new.

In this podcast, I talk about how integrating ending and new beginnings is a critical leadership task to master if we are to do God’s work, God’s way, and in God’s timing. I also share the two discernment questions I regularly ask myself: 1) What is it time to let go of in my personal life and leadership? and; 2) What new thing might be standing backstage, waiting to make its entrance?

Finally, I conclude by responding to a question I’m often asked by younger leaders: “How can I grow in this so I am equipped for what will be coming my way?” and by briefly talking about the complex process of succession — whether you be a lead pastor, a volunteer leader, or a staff person.



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