Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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EQ vs. EHS

Posted on April 15th, 2015

Studies indicate that EQ (emotional quotient) is so critical that it accounts for 58 percent of performance in all types of jobs. In fact, emotional intelligence in the workplace trumps almost every other factor — IQ, personality, education, experience, and gifts — when it comes to effective performance.

Businesses rely on emotional intelligence (EQ) to help employees learn key personal competencies (e.g. self-awareness, basic management of their triggers) and social skills (e.g. empathy, conflict management).

Our concern in emotional healthy spirituality (EHS), however, is much more than this. We are after long-term inner transformation for the sake of the world. Our goal is that Jesus Christ be formed in us.

The greatest difference between EQ and EHS is that we worship and follow a crucified God. His will and presence informs all we do. We don’t simply learn conflict resolution tools, for example, to be more effective at work. Our motivation, above all else, is to love Jesus above all else. We train people to put off their false self that has been shaped by their family of origin and the culture, and learn how to live in the new family of Jesus.

If this is a challenge you are willing to undertake, join us next Wednesday and Thursday for our Emotionally Healthy Leadership 2015 Conference. While the conference has been sold out for the past two months, you can watch it free through our Live Stream.

EH-LEADER-CONFERENCE-BANNER You will be able to download our handouts and follow the conference just as if you were in the room. So join us, and invite others as we share our latest learnings in equipping the church in a deep, beneath the surface spirituality that transforms people who then go out and transform the world.


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