Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

A Free Webinar March 12th 4pm ET

Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

NEW Ancient Disciple-Making eBook

What the Riches of Church History Can Teach Us About Discipleship


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Finding God’s Rhythm’s for Your Life: Part 1 – EH Leader Podcast

Posted on March 15th, 2018

Most leaders are starved for time.

We cram as much as possible into our to-do lists, trying to maximize every spare minute we have. We’re often scattered, distracted, overloaded, and tired. So, instead of being who we are and where we are, we are frequently on the way to someone or something else.

Amidst the busyness and hurry of life, few of us have a sustainable, long-term plan that answers the question: How can I live and lead in a way that is calm, relaxed, and filled with contentment in Jesus?

The answer is found in deliberately structuring our lives around God’s rhythms, in ancient treasures of spirituality that I have been integrating for over two decades:

  • Daily rhythms
  • Weekly rhythms
  • Annual rhythms
  • Larger rhythms every 7-8 years

Let me invite you to Part One of this very important theme, a topic that comes up in almost every conversation I have with leaders. And by God’s grace, may it be your first step into a very different way of leading for Jesus.


Pete Scazzero

Last Training Before the EH Discipleship Summit. Don’t Miss It!

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