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Heaven — a Great Lake of Beer

Posted on August 23rd, 2013

While few people in Western culture, including Christian leaders, think much of heaven, Scripture calls us to set our hearts and minds on things above (Col.3:1-3). Heaven as “a great lake of beer” is Bridgid of Irelands’ (451-524) attempt to describe the bliss and fulfillment that awaits us when we see Him face to face. One of my great learning curves the last few years is how foundational this is for the leadership we offer our churches. The following is my summary of Thomas Aquinas’ excellent description of heaven and how it is meant to inform our daily lives. Take a few minutes to prayerfully ponder his insights.

  • When you taste God, there is nothing else to wish for.
  • God’s love for us is both eros and agape – i.e., passionate, ecstatic, and joyful, as well as loyal and faithful.
  • Your human soul was built for a joy the world can’t offer you. You were made for a feast that will last forever.
  • You cannot not want His massive love and joy. It springs from the innermost core of your being.
  • This craving is so boundless that it is almost terrifying.
  • If the whole world were given you, you would say, “It is too little.”
  • Many joys in everyday life come to us, but they are only a foretaste of pure perfect joy.
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