Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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Build an Emotionally Healthy Church from the Ground Up

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How Grieving the Pandemic Can Unlock Revelation of God and Ourselves

Posted on February 1st, 2021

Will this pandemic ever come to an end?

That’s the lingering question following us around like a cloud. The truth is – no one really knows when things will get better and predictions are all over the map.

Until then, we hold on to the hope of recovering normalcy in our lives and churches. This deep desire for a new future drives us forward each day.

But in our anticipation of the future, it’s essential that we not neglect the pain of the present.

This week, over 441,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the United States since the pandemic began.

Don’t just skim over this. Take a moment and let it sink in.

As leaders, we must not avoid pain and loss in our lives and world. When we do, we actually miss out on seeing a deeper revelation of God and ourselves.

In today’s podcast, I share part one of a series where we’ll talk about the urgent need for us to grieve. It’s the kind of podcast that most listeners will skip over because it’s not a trendy topic. But if you’re serious about doing the deep work of discipleship, take a listen.

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