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How Grieving the Pandemic Can Unlock Revelation of God and Ourselves | Part 2

Posted on February 9th, 2021

“I just want to move on…”

I hear this phrase often from pastors. We’re tired of the pandemic and we’re over talking about it. Most of us would rather keep our heads down and power through.

But as we discussed in last week’s podcast, we MUST acknowledge the deep grief and loss that we’ve experienced in this last year. This is where Jesus wants to meet us and unlock new revelation of God and ourselves.

But HOW do we actually lead ourselves and our churches through grief and loss?

In today’s podcast, I offer ten practical ways we can practice grief and loss. I believe this will give you simple next steps and a new imagination for what this could like in your life and church.

It all starts by beginning our “long apprenticeship with sorrow” which I unpack in this episode. Take a listen.

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