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Know Yourself that You May Know God

Posted on January 28th, 2016

Korea -podium II

Geri and I spent time last summer with Onnuri Church and her 75,000 people in Seoul, Korea. Yes, 75,000 people! They also have over 800 people serving around the world, a 650+ student seminary training leaders in both Korean and English, and a high-quality CGNTV station that equips missionaries around the world.


Korea - classroomWe did an Emotionally Healthy Leaders Conference for pastors from around South Korea as well as their staff. Yet we left them, I believe, having received many more blessings than we gave. Onnuri is an amazing church with a godly, humble Senior Pastor – Jaehoon Lee. (I do not use the word amazing lightly). We look forward to doing a Part 2 of EHS with them next summer.

They published an excellent article based on an interview they did with us entitled: Know Yourself that You May Know God.

We felt it was so well done and perceptive that we wanted to share it with you.  Click HERE to read article.

PS – Keep sending me your comments and questions on Twitter @petescazzero


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